# The bsam package can be downloaded from # http://web.science.mq.edu.au/~ijonsen/code.html # To install run: # install.packages("bsam_0.43.1.tar.gz",repos=NULL) # or # install.packages("bsam_0.43.1.zip",repos=NULL) # on Windows. # This script is tested with version 0.43.1 # Note that the bsam package requires the package rjags which requires # the software JAGS to be installed. JAGS is available from # http://mcmc-jags.sourceforge.net/ # rjags can be installed from cran with # install.packages("rjags") library(bsam) data(subadult_ringed_seal) data(adult_ringed_seal) #seal <- subadult_ringed_seal[,c("id","date","lc","lon","lat")] seal <- adult_ringed_seal[,c("id","date","lc","lon","lat")] estTimeBSAM <- system.time(fit <- fitSSM(seal, model='DCRW', tstep=3/24, adapt=40000, samples=20000))