Joshua H. Schmidt, Devin S. Johnson, Mark S. Lindberg, and Layne G. Adams. 2015. Estimating demographic parameters using a combination of known-fate and open N-mixture models. Ecology 96:2583–2589.
Appendix A: Detailed description of the implementation of the model in the kfdnm R package.
Ecological Archives E096-227-A1.
Appendix B: Results from simulations conducted using OpenBUGS and kfdnm.
Ecological Archives E096-227-A2.
Appendix C: Results from simulations conducted using JAGS and WinBUGS.
Ecological Archives E096-227-A3.
Supplement 1: OpenBUGS implementation of the combined known-fate open N-mixture model for the applied wolf survival and recruitment example.
Ecological Archives E096-227-S1.
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