Jayne L. Jonas, Deborah A. Buhl, and Amy J. Symstad. 2015. Impacts of weather on long-term patterns of plant richness and diversity vary with location and management. Ecology 96:2417–2432. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/14-1989.1


Results of all Stage 1 analyses.
Ecological Archives E096-213-S10.


File list (downloads)


Jayne L. Jonas,1,4,5 Deborah A. Buhl,2 and Amy J. Symstad3

1IAP World Service, Inc.
1739 Fletcher Ave
Lochbuie, CO 80603 USA

2U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
8711 37th Street SE
Jamestown, ND 58401 USA

3U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Wind Cave National Park
26611 U.S. Highway 385
Hot Springs, SD 57747 USA

4 Present address: Colorado State University, Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
1472 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1472 USA.

5Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

File list

Supplement10.csv (MD5: 164a4f4aa089966d463070bf683475a0)


Mixed-model analysis results for effects of experimental treatments on native, exotic, and total species richness (S) and Shannon diversity (H') at (A) Cedar Creek, and total richness and total diversity in the (B) Konza Prairie fire frequency experiment, (C) Konza Prairie grazing experiment, (D) Konza Prairie season of burn experiment, (E) College Pasture, and (F) Shortgrass Steppe datasets. First-order autoregressive error (AR1) covariance structure was used for all analyses except total richness in the Konza Prairie fire frequency and total diversity in the Shortgrass Steppe data sets. In these data sets, compound symmetry (CS) error covariance structure was found to be more appropriate based on AIC values. NDF = numerator degrees of freedom, DDF=denominator degrees of freedom. N-addition = nitrogen fertilization treatments (Cedar Creek), FRI = fire return interval treatments, SB = season of burn treatments, community = plant assemblages.