Ecological Archives E096-188-A4

Nina Wurzburger and S. Joseph Wright. 2015. Fine-root responses to fertilization reveal multiple nutrient limitation in a lowland tropical forest. Ecology 96:2137–2146.

Appendix D. Fine root specific root length in surface soils for 0–1 mm roots and 1–2 mm roots without or with the addition of K, without or with the addition of N and P, and without or with the addition of NPK.


Fig. D1. Fine root specific root length (cm/g) in surface soils (0–10 cm depth) for 0–1 mm roots (panels a, c, and e) and 1–2 mm roots (b, d, and f) without or with the addition of K (a and b, respectively), without or with the addition of N and P (c and d, respectively), and without or with the addition of NPK (e and f, respectively). Values are means +/- one standard error. Panels a and b contrast 16 –K vs. 16 +K plots. Panels c and d contrast eight –N-P, eight –N+P, eight +N-P and eight +N+P plots. Panels e and f contrast four control vs. four +N+P+K plots.

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