Ecological Archives E096-188-A2

Nina Wurzburger and S. Joseph Wright. 2015. Fine-root responses to fertilization reveal multiple nutrient limitation in a lowland tropical forest. Ecology 96:2137–2146.

Appendix B. Fine root tissue density in surface soils for 0–1 mm roots and 1–2 mm roots without or with the addition of K, without or with the addition of N and P, and without or with the addition of NPK.


Fig. B1. Fine root tissue density (g/cm3) in surface soils (0–10 cm depth) for 0–1 mm roots (panels a, c, and e) and 1–2 mm roots (b, d, and f) without or with the addition of K (a and b, respectively), without or with the addition of N and P (c and d, respectively), and without or with the addition of NPK (e and f, respectively). Values are means +/- one standard error. Panels a and b contrast 16 –K vs. 16 +K plots. Panels c and d contrast eight –N-P, eight –N+P, eight +N-P and eight +N+P plots. Panels e and f contrast four control vs. four +N+P+K plots.

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