Ecological Archives E096-182-A1
Zaal Kikvidze, Robin W. Brooker, Bradley J. Butterfield, Ragan M. Callaway, Lohengrin A. Cavieres, Bradley J. Cook, Christopher J. Lortie, Richard Michalet, Francisco I. Pugnaire, Sa Xiao, Fabien Anthelme, Robert G. Björk, Brittany H. Cranston, Rosario G. Gavilán, Róbert Kanka, Emanuele Lingua, Jean-Paul Maalouf, Jalil Noroozi, Rabindra Parajuli, Gareth K. Phoenix, Anya Reid, Wendy M. Ridenour, Christian Rixen, and Christian Schöb. 2015. The effects of foundation species on community assembly: a global study on alpine cushion plant communities. Ecology 96:2064–2069.
Appendix A. Study sites.
Study sites
We studied 83 alpine plant communities (sampling sites) in North and South America, Europe, Asia and New Zealand, including 40 eudicot and one monocot cushion plant species (Table A1). Data were collected between January 2004 and July 2010. We selected sites where cushions were well-developed and without signs of recent unusual disturbances, and hence considered these communities to be in their advanced stage of successions. For the same reasons we considered these communities nearly “saturated”. At each site, within an area of c. 0.5 × 0.5 km, we selected an area that included sufficient number of plants of each individual nurse cushion species for robust statistical analyses (n = 40 to 120), and all established plants (i.e., no seedlings) growing within these selected cushions were identified to species and their abundance recorded as number of individuals. Cushions are usually roughly elliptical, and so at the majority of sites, we measured the maximum and minimum axes of each cushion to estimate its area. To obtain comparable samples for assessing species richness in surrounding ‘open’ microhabitat (areas not covered by the cushions), areas matching the size of each sampled cushion were surveyed at randomly selected paired points 0.5 m away from each sampled cushion. In those cases where cushion size was not measured (seven sites), a wire hoop was shaped to match the size of the sampled cushion and used to regulate the size of patch sampled in the ‘open’ areas. Again, all established plant individuals within these selected open areas were identified to species and recorded. The percentage cover of cushions and open area was determined at each site along 50 m linear transects. We sampled a mean (± 1 SE) of 81 (± 3) sets of paired cushion and open plots per site. At all sites, the non-cushion species were mostly herbaceous perennials with the small size and prostrate growth typical of alpine species (Körner 2003). In two sites (e.g., central Chilean Andes, Sierra Nevada Spain), the vegetation also contained small prostrate shrubs and annuals that usually grow in open areas. Counting individuals was a simple way of measuring abundance of a given species and we did not deal separately with clonal species but counted its shoots as individuals. The mean density of individuals measured in this way was 13 (± 23 SD) individuals per m², ranging from 1 to 143 individuals per m². At a subset of sites soil samples were collected and soil moisture (20 sites) and soil organic matter content (15 sites) were determined.
Table A1. Study site locations and sampled cushion species.
Cushion species |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Altitude |
N |
Chile |
Azorella monantha |
-51.176 |
-72.848 |
720 |
103 |
Chile |
Azorella monantha |
-50.824 |
-73.000 |
710 |
47 |
Chile |
Bolax gummiferia |
-50.824 |
-72.998 |
750 |
50 |
Chile |
Bolax gummiferia |
-50.817 |
-72.989 |
920 |
50 |
Chile |
Azorella monantha |
-50.815 |
-72.992 |
890 |
53 |
New Zealandb |
Phyllacne colensoi |
-45.752 |
167.399 |
1456 |
79 |
New Zealandc |
Dracophyllum sp. |
-45.322 |
169.208 |
1678 |
65 |
New Zealanda |
Raoulia sp. |
-43.509 |
171.544 |
1518 |
90 |
Argentina |
Mulinium leptacanthum |
-41.268 |
-71.303 |
1700 |
100 |
Argentina |
Oreopolus glacialis |
-41.268 |
-71.303 |
1700 |
100 |
Argentina |
Discaria nana |
-41.268 |
-71.303 |
1700 |
100 |
Chile |
Azorella trifurcata |
-37.463 |
-71.317 |
1400 |
52 |
Chile |
Oreopolus glacialis |
-37.459 |
-71.123 |
2052 |
55 |
Chile |
Azorella madreporica |
-33.334 |
-70.247 |
3258 |
100 |
Chile |
Laretia acaulis |
-33.334 |
-70.247 |
3259 |
100 |
Chile |
Laretia acaulis |
-33.329 |
-70.267 |
3300 |
100 |
Chile |
Laretia acaulis |
-33.326 |
-70.283 |
3000 |
100 |
Chile |
Azorella madreporica |
-33.325 |
-70.239 |
3394 |
100 |
Chile |
Azorella madreporica |
-33.319 |
-70.260 |
3600 |
100 |
Chile |
Azorella madreporica |
-33.316 |
-70.236 |
3625 |
100 |
Chile |
Adesmia subterranea |
-30.418 |
-70.263 |
3744 |
100 |
Chile |
Azorella madreporica |
-30.418 |
-70.263 |
3744 |
100 |
Chile |
Adesmia subterranea |
-30.394 |
-70.242 |
3922 |
100 |
Chile |
Azorella madreporica |
-30.394 |
-70.242 |
3922 |
100 |
Chile |
Picnophyllum bryoides |
-22.576 |
-68.037 |
4300 |
100 |
Ecuador |
Pentacalia microdon |
-0.656 |
-78.440 |
4500 |
85 |
Ecuador |
Azorella aretioides |
-0.472 |
-78.159 |
4700 |
85 |
Ecuador |
Xenophyllum humile |
-0.472 |
-78.158 |
4700 |
85 |
Ecuador |
Azorella aretioides |
-0.467 |
-78.167 |
4550 |
90 |
Nepal |
Astragalus sp. |
28.136 |
85.344 |
4265 |
82 |
Lebanona |
Onobrychis cornuta |
33.975 |
35.848 |
2222 |
60 |
Lebanona |
Astragulus zachlensis |
33.977 |
35.848 |
2223 |
60 |
Geum rossii |
35.341 |
-111.684 |
3650 |
80 |
Geum rossii |
35.343 |
-111.682 |
3800 |
80 |
Iran |
Astragulus macrosemius |
35.894 |
51.407 |
3676 |
80 |
Spainc |
Arenaria tetraquetra ssp. amabilis |
36.997 |
-3.313 |
3110 |
100 |
Spainc |
Arenaria tetraquetra ssp. amabilis |
37.036 |
-3.303 |
2575 |
100 |
Spainc |
Arenaria tetraquetra ssp. amabilis |
37.051 |
-3.371 |
3239 |
100 |
Spainc |
Arenaria tetraquetra ssp. amabilis |
37.081 |
-3.381 |
2750 |
85 |
Spainc |
Plantago holosteum |
37.081 |
-3.381 |
2750 |
85 |
USAa |
Phlox condensata |
37.533 |
-118.205 |
3603 |
100 |
USAa |
Townsendia leptotes |
37.550 |
-118.215 |
3563 |
100 |
Eriogonum gracilipes |
37.551 |
-118.224 |
3726 |
80 |
Chinac |
Thylacospermum caespitosum |
39.302 |
96.303 |
4239 |
60 |
Chinac |
Rhodiola juparensis |
39.355 |
96.262 |
3709 |
70 |
Chinac |
Thylacospermum caespitosum |
39.503 |
96.505 |
4228 |
80 |
Eriogonum umbellatum |
40.695 |
-110.905 |
3550 |
80 |
Spainc |
Minuartia recurva |
40.800 |
-3.933 |
2340 |
101 |
Spain |
Silene acaulis |
42.689 |
0.646 |
2318 |
85 |
Spain |
Saponaria caespitosa |
42.690 |
0.649 |
2318 |
93 |
Silene acaulis |
44.969 |
-109.440 |
3263 |
72 |
Trifolium nanum |
44.972 |
-109.448 |
3231 |
28 |
Switzerlandc |
Carex firma |
46.423 |
7.628 |
2305 |
82 |
Switzerlandc |
Silene acaulis |
46.425 |
7.629 |
2297 |
80 |
Switzerlanda |
Silene acaulis |
46.478 |
9.583 |
2484 |
75 |
Italy |
Carex firma |
46.487 |
11.807 |
2208 |
90 |
Italy |
Cerastium alpinum |
46.502 |
11.809 |
2913 |
91 |
Italy |
Silene acaulis |
46.506 |
12.020 |
2357 |
100 |
Italy |
Silene acaulis |
46.530 |
12.016 |
2473 |
57 |
Italy |
Minuartia sp. |
46.530 |
12.003 |
2734 |
100 |
Eriogonum ovalium |
46.868 |
-113.964 |
1232 |
30 |
Eriogonum ovalium |
46.883 |
-113.983 |
1117 |
30 |
Antennaria umbrinella |
47.078 |
-112.372 |
1796 |
30 |
Dasiphora fruticosa |
48.479 |
-113.332 |
2241 |
78 |
Silene acaulis |
48.479 |
-113.329 |
2280 |
114 |
Sibbaldia sp. |
48.485 |
-113.322 |
2290 |
104 |
Silene acaulis |
48.725 |
-113.682 |
2143 |
80 |
Silene acaulis |
48.780 |
-113.767 |
2273 |
80 |
Silene acaulis |
48.784 |
-113.767 |
2515 |
80 |
Canada |
Silene acaulis |
49.051 |
-120.218 |
2510 |
47 |
Canada |
Saxifraga oppositifolia |
49.051 |
-120.218 |
2510 |
39 |
Canada |
Silene acaulis |
49.057 |
-120.220 |
2476 |
80 |
Slovakia |
Silene acaulis |
49.236 |
20.219 |
1982 |
90 |
Slovakia |
Minuartia sedoides |
49.236 |
20.219 |
1982 |
32 |
Canadac |
Silene acaulis |
50.032 |
-122.571 |
2100 |
61 |
Canada |
Silene acaulis |
50.032 |
-122.571 |
2100 |
100 |
Canadac |
Silene acaulis |
50.611 |
-114.976 |
2516 |
99 |
Canada |
Silene acaulis |
51.209 |
-122.562 |
2191 |
73 |
Canada |
Silene acaulis |
57.061 |
-122.864 |
1754 |
81 |
Canada |
Silene acaulis |
57.061 |
-122.866 |
1757 |
70 |
Canada |
Silene acaulis |
57.063 |
-122.865 |
1747 |
62 |
Sweden |
Silene acaulis |
68.357 |
18.499 |
1050 |
50 |
Norwayc |
Silene acaulis |
78.912 |
12.017 |
30 |
74 |
a (only soil moisture data), b (only SOM data), c (soil moisture and SOM data)