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Appendix A: Methods of collection, keeping, and manipulation of experimental animals.
Ecological Archives E096-168-A1.

Appendix B: Diagram of experimental design.
Ecological Archives E096-168-A2.

Appendix C: Size distribution of salamander larvae on day 19.
Ecological Archives E096-168-A3.

Appendix D: Summary of statistical analyses comparing the four small-variation treatments.
Ecological Archives E096-168-A4.

Appendix E: Summary of statistical analyses comparing the large-variation and large-variation non-giant-removal treatments.
Ecological Archives E096-168-A5.

Appendix F: Summary of the results of post hoc statistical analyses of frog tadpole traits, comparing the four experimental treatments (i.e., large-variation, large-variation giant-removal, small-variation, and no-salamander treatments).
Ecological Archives E096-168-A6.

Appendix G: Summary of the results of post hoc statistical analyses of larval salamander traits, comparing the three salamander treatments (i.e., large-variation, large-variation giant-removal, and small-variation treatments).
Ecological Archives E096-168-A7.
