Stilianos Louca and Michael Doebeli. 2015. Detecting cyclicity in ecological time series. Ecology 96:1724–1732.

Supplement 2

Tables listing the GPDD analysis results, including fitted OUSS parameters and POUSS and PWN values for each considered GPDD time series.
Ecological Archives E096-154-S2.


File list (downloads)


Stilianos Louca
Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of British Columbia
121-1984 Mathematics Road
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z2, Canada
E-mail: [email protected]

File list

no_low_frequency_trimming.txt (MD5: e9aef7963ecedf3efc70661dd98a7a5b)

with_low_frequency_trimming.txt (MD5: 72d37881cbb496113de6e8e78dfb5aa4)


Tables listing the GPDD analysis results, including estimated WN and OUSS parameters and P values values for each considered GPDD time series. Each row corresponds to an analyzed time series, and each column corresponds to an attribute. The results for the analysis with and without low frequency trimming are in separate files.