Christopher M. Wojan, Shannon M. Knapp, and Karen E. Mabry. 2015. Spatial variation in population density affects dispersal behavior in brush mice. Ecology 96:1661–1669.


Details of the spatially-explicit capture–recapture model, including R code and all data files.
Ecological Archives E096-148-S1.


File list (downloads)


Christopher M. Wojan
Department of Biology
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Shannon M. Knapp
Economics, Applied Statistics, and International Business Department
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Karen E. Mabry
Department of Biology
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

File list

SECR_Wojan_MultiSession_v7_1.R (MD5: de06a7bd07f3d7feb96d1e9c69cb05b8)   R code for SECR analysis

MultiSession20131112captures.txt (MD5: 7dab2facef2bb179cacc4dcbdd8abcc2)   mark-recapture data for population density estimates

MultiSession20131112sessions.txt (MD5: d3f25b235e111124755bfd4fa6b3b1c0)   data identifying trap sessions

MultiSession20131112traps.txt (MD5: f2df71eaf8eb8e29a3bdd3aba49c4560)   data identifying X,Y UTM coordinates of trap locations

NatalSettleLocations20131118.csv (MD5: d1dd10122476ff05f1092369ca619483)   X,Y UTM coordinates of pre- and post-dispersal locations of radio-tracked animals

NatalSettleLocations20131118long.csv (MD5: 94e43854158cfb8ba61d7ab3752f2d7d)   X,Y UTM coordinates of pre- and post-dispersal locations of radio-tracked animals in long format

NatalSettleLocationsSet2_20140103.csv (MD5: )   X,Y UTM coordinates of pre- and post-dispersal locations of trapped animals

NatalSettleLocationsSet2_20140103long.csv (MD5: )    X,Y UTM coordinates of pre- and post-dispersal locations of trapped animals in long format

SECR_Wojan_MultiSession_v7_1_20140707_out.txt (MD5: 98d356356211c7b780bff18a985dd604)   R code to create an output file holding the results of the SECR analysis



This is the R script used to run the spatially-explicit capture-recapture (SECR) analysis. Except for changing directory references, this file (along with the accompanying 3 data files) could be used to recreate the analysis used in this manuscript.


This file contains the mark-recapture information for the individual mice used in the population density estimates (focal dispersers are not included in this file).

The variables are:


This file contains data identifying each session (the variable "session" in the file MultiSession20131112captures.txt).

The variables are:

For example, sessionID=1 was for 3 nights beginning on 23 June 2004.


This file contains the trap location data (this becomes the R data frame "trapcoords")
The variables are:


This file contains the UTM coordinates (Zone 10) for each disperser from the radio-tracked data set ("Set 1").

The variables are:


This file contains the UTM coordinates (Zone 10) for each disperser from the radio-tracked data set ("Set 1").

The variables are:


This file contains the UTM coordinates (Zone 10) for each disperser from the live-trapped data set ("Set 2").

The variables are:


This file contains the UTM coordinates (Zone 10) for each disperser from the live-trapped data set ("Set 2").

The variables are:


The R-script (SECR_Wojan_MultiSession_v7_1.R) is set up to create an output text file holding the key results (e.g., posterior distribution summary statistics) of the analysis. This is the output file used in the paper. Details are contained in the R-script (SECR_Wojan_MultiSession_v7_1.R)