Ecological Archives E096-118-A1

Qiang He, Andrew H. Altieri, and Baoshan Cui. 2015. Herbivory drives zonation of stress-tolerant marsh plants. Ecology 96:1318–1328.

Appendix A. Patterns of Suaeda and Salicornia cover, crab abundance, salinity, and relative elevation across the zonation boundary.


Fig. A1. Patterns of Suaeda and Salicornia cover, crab abundance (A), salinity, and relative elevation (B) across the zonation boundary. Data are means and SE (n = 8, except for elevation n = 6). Bars or data points sharing a letter are not significantly different from one another (P > 0.05; Tukey HSD multiple comparisons). Survey of plant cover, crab abundance and salinity was conducted using eight 0.9 × 0.9 m quadrats set every 1 m along each transect. Elevation was measured on, two and four meters into each side of the zonation boundary. Salinities are pore water ones, and elevation is relative to the zonation boundary of the first transect (set to 0).

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