Ecological Archives E096-100-A1

Dirk J. Mikolajewski, Marjan De Block, and Robby Stoks. 2015. The interplay of adult and larval time constraints shapes species differences in larval life history. Ecology 96:1128–1138.

Appendix A. Full sample size per treatment and response variable for each species.

Full sample size per treatment and response variable for each species. Note that sample size for PO activity was lower than in other traits because some samples could not be assayed. Sample size for each species at start/at emergence/PO activity was:
C. ornatum [early photoperiod/high food (43/19/17), early photoperiod/low food (43/24/21), late photoperiod/high food (46/27/27), late photoperiod/low food (47/26/26)]
C. hastulatum [early photoperiod/high food (62/18/16), early photoperiod/low food (59/21/20), late photoperiod/high food (62/21/21), late photoperiod/low food (65/37/36)]
C. mercuriale [early photoperiod/high food (28/18/18), early photoperiod/low food (29/12/12), late photoperiod/high food (28/20/20), late photoperiod/low food (29/16/15)]
C. puella [early photoperiod/high food (96/36/35), early photoperiod/low food (96/30/29), late photoperiod/high food (97/37/36), late photoperiod/low food (92/49/46)].

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