Ecological Archives E096-096-A5
Chris H. Wilson, T. Trevor Caughlin, David J. Civitello, and S. Luke Flory. 2015. Combining mesocosm and filed experiments to predict invasive plant performance: a hierarchical Bayesian approach. Ecology 96:1084–1092.
Appendix E. Details on model development, particularly working with the gamma and negative binomial parameterizations in JAGS, plus pseudo-code for generating cross-validated posterior predictions.
Pseudo-code for running cross-validation checks:
sink("ranmodelgroE.txt") #the sink function drops the code as a text file into your working directory cat(' # Repeat model specification from above } ',fill=TRUE) sink() # data block: define your data inputs here # The following code sets observations in the dataset to NA # in our case, this is based on the held-out site um<-unique(massdata$sites) loocv<-vector("list",length(um)) for(i in 1:length(um)) { mdat<-massdata mdat$totmass[which(mdat$Site==um[i])]<-NA loocv[[i]]<-mdat } # This code block creates a list-vector to save the results of the #multiple model fits in # and then executes a loop to fit the model N times, where N= number #of hold-out sites, or # whatever results<-vector("list",length(um)) set.seed(101) for(i in 1:length(um)) { mdat<-loocv[[i]] mass_data = list(mass = c((mdat$totmass), rep(NA, times = 100)), light = c(light.dat$massdata.Light, seq(1,100,1)), site = c(mdat$sites, seq(22,121,1)), seeds = seed_data$seeds[1:24], biomass = seed_data$biomass[1:24]) params = list("a", "b", "alpha2", "alpha1", "alpha", "p","rr","lambda","mass", "mu") ranM = jags(mass_data ,inits=NULL,unlist(params),model.file="ranmodelgroE.txt",n.chains=5,n.iter=12000,n.burnin=2000,n.thin= 50) results[[i]]<-gipar(ranM) } save(results,file="results.Rdata") # The following is a function for extracting out only the predictions for the held-out sites MINit<-rep(NA,times=21) MAXit<-rep(NA,times=21) for(i in 1:21) { MINit[i]<-min(which(massdata$sites==um[i])) MAXit[i]<-max(which(massdata$sites==um[i])) } nameo<-function(name){ listo<-vector("list",21) for(i in 1:21) { give<-results[[i]][which(names(results[[i]])==name)] listo[[i]]<-give[[1]][,c(MINit[i]:MAXit[i])] } return("cbind",listo)) }