Jacquelyn L. A. Wood and Dylan J. Fraser. 2015. Similar plastic responses to elevated temperature among different-sized brook trout populations. Ecology 96:1010–1019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/14-1378.1


Appendix A: Mean monthly temperatures in spawning areas for four CR brook trout populations in 2010.
Ecological Archives E096-089-A1.

Appendix B: Cape Race trout population census size (N) and the effective number of breeders (Nb) for 2011, and the relationship between Nb and Ne for five CR populations.
Ecological Archives E096-089-A2.

Appendix C: GLMM results to evaluate the effect of shipment date on mean trait values at CR.
Ecological Archives E096-089-A3.

Appendix D: GLMM results to evaluate the effect of temperature regime, population size (N or Nb), egg size, family size, and interactions on mean trait values at CR.
Ecological Archives E096-089-A4.

Appendix E: Directional Hypothesis: Absolute values of slopes between three temperature regimes in relation to N and Nb, Spearman’s correlations, and GLMM results to assess the magnitude of plasticity in relation to population size for early-life history traits at CR.
Ecological Archives E096-089-A5.

Appendix F: Variable Hypothesis: Values of slopes between three temperature regimes in relation to N and Nb, GLMM results, and White’s test results to assess the variability of plasticity in relation to population size for early-life history traits at CR.
Ecological Archives E096-089-A6.

Appendix G: Means and CVs for early-life history traits for small vs. large CR populations.
Ecological Archives E096-089-A7.

Appendix H: GLMM effect size 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the effect of predictor variables on the magnitude and variability of plasticity at CR.
Ecological Archives E096-089-A8.
