Ecological Archives E096-074-A2

Amélie A. M. Cantarel, Thomas Pommier, Marie Desclos-Theveniau, Sylvain Diquélou, Maxime Dumont, Fabrice Grassein, Eva-Maria Kastl, Karl Grigulis, Philippe Laîné,2,3 Sandra Lavorel,5 Servane Lemauviel-Lavenant, Emmanuelle Personeni, Michael Schloter, and Franck Poly . 2015. Using plant traits to explain plant–microbe relationships involved in nitrogen acquisition. Ecology 96:788–799.

Appendix B. Plant position on the conservative vs. exploitative plants gradient in unfertilized and adherent soil data.


Fig. B1. Plant position on the conservative vs. exploitative plants gradient in unfertilized and adherent soil data. (a) Relationship between SLA (Specific Leaf Area) and LDMC (Leaf Dry Matter Content). Mean and standard errors are presented for each plant (n = 4), (b) and (c) Relationships between hydroponic plant traits (VmNO3- and VmNH4+ respectively) and plant gradient projection.

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