Ecological Archives E096-042-A2

Erin R. Hotchkiss and Robert O. Hall, Jr.. 2015. Whole-stream 13C tracer addition reveals distinct fates of newly fixed carbon. Ecology 96:403–416.

Appendix B. Measured 13CDIC (dissolved inorganic carbon) before, during, and after 2 4-h daytime drip additions of 13C-NaH13CO3 in French Creek, Wyoming, USA.


Fig. B1. Measured 13CDIC (dissolved inorganic carbon, ‰ vs. Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite standard) before (panel A; pre), during (panel A; 0a, 0b), and after (panel B) two four-hour daytime drip additions of 13C-NaH13CO3 in French Creek, Wyoming. We sampled stream water 13CDIC in the morning and the afternoon on day 1 after the second release (1am, 1pm) and in the afternoon on days 2, 3, and 4.

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