Ecological Archives E095-218-A5

Cristina E. Ramalho, Etienne Laliberté, Pieter Poot, and Richard J. Hobbs. 2014. Complex effects of fragmentation on remnant woodland plant communities of a rapidly urbanizing biodiversity hotspot. Ecology 95:2466–2478.

Appendix E. Description of the landscape and local factors used in the study.

Table E1. Description of the landscape and local factors used in the study. The units, transformation used, and also the range (and median) of each variable are presented.

Landscape and local factors

Units; transformation

Range (median)

Landscape fragmentation dynamics

Current remnant area*

ha; log (x+1)

0.7–264.4 (17.4)

Historical remnant area*

ha; log (x+1)

6.5–14533.1 (11243.0)

Current remnant connectivity*


9.7–630.7 (185.0)

Historical remnant connectivity*


53.5–4647.1 (1595.3)

Time since remnant isolation*

no. of years

0–45 (25)

Time since remnant urbanization*

no. of years

0–45 (20)

Trajectory of landscape change (rural-urban; woodland-urban; rural)*

Unitless (0/1)


Disturbance regimes

Fire frequency+ (in the past 30 years)

no. of fires

0–6 (2)

Years since last fire+

no. of years

10–40 (18)

Grazing intensity by native herbivores

Composite index

0–1 (0)

Grazing intensity by non-native herbivores

Composite index

0–0.65 (0)

Intensity of trampling

Composite index

0–0.35 (0.05)

Intensity of waste disposal

Composite index

0–0.55 (0.025)

Intensity of soil physical disturbance

Composite index

0–0.53 (0)

Local environmental conditions

Colwell phosphorus (P)

mg Kg-1; log (x+1)

1–8 (1)

Extractable sulfur (S)

mg Kg-1; log (x+1)

1–4.5 (1.7)

Colwell potassium (K)

mg Kg-1; log (x+1)

11–125 (25)

Nitrate (NO3)

mg Kg-1; log (x+1)

0.5–6 (1)

Ammonium (NH4)

mg Kg-1; log (x+1)

1–9 (2)

Walkley Black percent organic carbon (C)

mg Kg-1; log (x+1)

0.4–3.8 (1.2)

pH (H2O)


5–7 (6)


dS m-1; log (x+1)

0.009–0.06 (0.02)

Cover by bare ground


0–9 (5)

Cover by litter


3–13 (9.5)

Litter depth


0.09–4.6 (0.8)

Other factors

Distance to the city centre+

Continuous (Km)

4.5–32.9 (13.8)

*+ Variables collected using GIS: *at the site (remnant) level; +at the plot level.

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