Ecological Archives E095-218-A2

Cristina E. Ramalho, Etienne Laliberté, Pieter Poot, and Richard J. Hobbs. 2014. Complex effects of fragmentation on remnant woodland plant communities of a rapidly urbanizing biodiversity hotspot. Ecology 95:2466–2478.

Appendix B. GIS data collected for the study.

Geographic data from the study area was assembled from different institutions and governmental departments in an ArcGIS 9.3 database (ESRI, 2008). This contained the following imagery: digitized geo-referenced black-and-white aerial photographs from 1965, 1972, 1981, 1985, and 1991; true-colour orthophotos from 2000 and 2006; orthorectified Landsat imagery in intervals of 3 years between 1972 and 1988, 2 years between 1988 and 2002, and every year from 2002 onwards. The aerial photographs and orthophotos were provided by the Western Australian (WA) Land Information Authority (Landgate) and the satellite imagery by the WA Department of Environment and Conservation. The geographic database also included several thematic shapefiles mapping the remnant vegetation extent (WA Department of Planning, 2006), vegetation complexes (WA Local Government Association, 2005), geomorphology and wetlands location (WA Department of Environment and Conservation, 2006), soil (WA Department of Agriculture and Food, 2007), ground water levels (Department of Water, 2003), and urban planning (WA Department of Planning, 1965–2007).

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