Riin Tamme, Lars Götzenberger, Martin Zobel, James M. Bullock, Danny A. P. Hooftman, Ants Kaasik, and Meelis Pärtel. 2014. Predicting species' maximum dispersal distances from simple plant traits. Ecology 95:505–513. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/13-1000.1
Supplement 2
Function dispeRsal for predicting seed dispersal distances in R, and instructions for using dispeRsal.
Ecological Archives E095-045-S2.
File list (downloads)
Riin Tamme
Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences
University of Tartu
Lai 40, Tartu 51005
E-mail: [email protected]
Lars Götzenberger
Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences
University of Tartu
Lai 40, Tartu 51005
Institute of Botany
Czech Academy of Science
Dukelská 135, CZ-379 82 Třeboň
Czech Republic
E-mail: [email protected]
Martin Zobel
Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences
University of Tartu
Lai 40, Tartu 51005
James M. Bullock
NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Maclean Building, Benson Lane, Wallingford OX10 8BB
Danny A. P. Hooftman
NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Maclean Building, Benson Lane, Wallingford OX10 8BB
Ants Kaasik
Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences
University of Tartu
Vanemuise 46, Tartu 51014
Meelis Pärtel
Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences
University of Tartu
Lai 40, Tartu 51005
File list
dispeRsal.rda (MD5: 3589cb5b047c9a44e83fd624dabbacad)
instructions.pdf (MD5: b5114a42cb9a0e1856e3fa87a3f8db89)
dispeRsal.rda includes the function dispeRsal to predict maximum seed dispersal distances from simple plant traits in software R (R Development Core Team 2012) as well as a dataframe used for the predictive models, an example dataframe, a dataframe for assigning taxonomic families to orders and modified versions of the TPLck and TPL functions from the Taxonstand (Cayuela et al. 2012) package for handling synonymies in the data provided by the user. Full details and instructions for using dispeRsal can be found in the instructions file.
instructions.pdf detailed instructions for using dispeRsal function to predict maximum seed dispersal distances with confidence intervals for user’s own data sets.
Future updates of the tool and the underlying data can be found on a webpage at
http://www.botany.ut.ee/dispersal. To achieve ongoing improvements to the models, we ask the research community to contact us with further data on measured seed dispersal distances and associated plant traits.
Literature Cited
R Development Core Team. 2012. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria. http://www.R-project.org/.
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