Michael J. Vanni, William H. Renwick, and María J. González. 2013. Nutrient and sediment concentrations in three agriculturally-impacted streams over a 15-year period. Ecology 94:978. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/12-1439.1
Data Paper
Ecological Archives E094-085-D1.
Data Files
Michael J. Vanni
Department of Zoology
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio 45056 USA
E-mail: [email protected]
William H. Renwick
Department of Geography
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio 45056 USA
María J. González
Department of Zoology
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio 45056 USA
Data Files
Daily_precipitation_and_stream_discharge.csv (MD5: a7ac0051e0c363e68412b6f37549714b)
Stream_nutrient_data.csv (MD5: c208116a663b64b9e05cdc7f93280ecf)
Concentrations of nutrients and sediments in streams reflect land use and climate patterns in the watersheds they drain and also have implications for downstream ecosystems. Here we present 15 years of high-resolution data on the concentrations of nutrients (ammonium, nitrate, and soluble reactive phosphorus) and suspended sediments in three streams that drain watersheds in Ohio, USA, dominated by row crop agriculture (mostly maize and soy). In addition, we present daily precipitation and stream discharge data over this 15-year period. Agricultural practices in these watersheds have changed over this period, including a pronounced increase in conservation tillage, a reduction in fertilizers, a reduction in the number of hogs, and improved manure management. The data set consists of >42 000 nutrient and sediment concentrations (3198–3898 samples from each of three streams for four nutrient and sediment constituents). The data set is unique in terms of its combination of length and resolution (sampling frequency 6–8 hours during storms) as well as its utility in assessing how changes in agricultural practices affect the concentrations and export rates of nutrients and sediments. Data presented here have been used in several papers quantifying nutrient export from streams, nutrient loading to a downstream reservoir (Acton Lake), and how nutrient inputs modulate ecosystem function and food web dynamics in Acton Lake.
agriculture; ammonium; discharge; nitrate; nitrogen; phosphorus; sediments; streams; water quality; watershed.
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