Ecological Archives E093-024-A3

Sarah Cubaynes, Claire Doutrelant, Arnaud Grégoire, Philippe Perret, Bruno Faivre, and Olivier Gimenez. 2012. Testing hypotheses in evolutionary ecology with imperfect detection: capture-recapture structural equation modeling. Ecology 93:248–255.

Appendix C. Posterior distributions of the CR-SEM parameters (conditional on the covariates being in the model).

FIG. C1. Posterior distributions of the CR–SEM parameters applied to blackbird data. See text for notation.

FIG. C2. Posterior distributions of the CR–SEM parameters (all parameters but the standard deviations) applied to blue tit data. For brevity, the detection probability p is averaged over the years. See text for notation.

FIG. C3. Posterior distributions of the CR–SEM parameters (standard deviation of the ε’s and δ’s random effects) applied to blue tit data. See text for notation.

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