David W. Thieltges, Karsten Reise, Kim N. Mouritsen, John P. McLaughlin, and Robert Poulin. 2011. Food web including metazoan parasites for a tidal basin in Germany and Denmark. Ecology 92:2005.
TABLE 4. Missing and under-represented groups and severely amalgamted nodes.
Missing groups | Notes | Underrepresented groups | Notes | |
Bird Ectoparasites | Bird ectoparasites such as lice and mites are definitely present in the system but were not sampled. | Ectoparasites of Fishes | Fish ectoparasites and micropredators are difficult to sample and are thus likely undersampled. | |
Protists | Symbiotic and non-photosynthetic free-living protists are not included in the web. | Epipelic Flora | This node, likely the most speciose aggregated assemblage, comprises the microphytobenthos, which is mostly diatoms. | |
Plant Ectoparasites | These include herbivorous insects that could be deemed parasitic by our consumer strategy definitions. | Macroalgae | This assemblage contains all multicellular algae | |
Saprophytic Fungi | Fungal communities, an important component of the decomposers were not sampled. | Meiofauna | This common name group includes Phyla like free-living nematodes, gnathostimulids and kinorhynchs. | |
Viruses | Viruses and phages on all nodes were severely undersampled. | Phytoplankton | This node comprises the autotrophic component of the plankton community (e.g. diatoms, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria). | |
Zooplankton | This assemblage includes all holoplanktonic and meroplanktonic organisms. | |||
Severely aggregated nodes | Notes | |||
Bacteria | Free-living and symbiotic bacteria were not sampled in this web.� |