Kiyoshi Sasaki, David Lesbarréres, Glen Watson, and Jacqueline Litzgus. 2015. Mining-caused changes to habitat structure affect amphibian and reptile population ecology more than metal pollution. Ecological Applications 25:2240–2254.


Appendix A: Amphibians and reptiles detected in four zones of smelting impact in the Sudbury, Ontario region.
Ecological Archives A025-139-A1.

Appendix B: Bivariate correlations between species metrics and environmental variables.
Ecological Archives A025-139-A2.

Appendix C: Independent and joint contributions of environmental variables to the explained variance for diversities of amphibians and reptiles.
Ecological Archives A025-139-A3.

Appendix D: Independent and joint contributions of environmental variables to the explained variance for the abundance of amphibians and reptiles.
Ecological Archives A025-139-A4.
