Jesse S. Lewis, Kenneth A. Logan, Mat W. Alldredge, Larissa L. Bailey, Sue Vandewoude, and Kevin R. Crooks. 2015. The effects of urbanization on population density, occupancy, and detection probability of wild felids. Ecological Applications 25:1880–1895.


Data used for mark-resight, density, and occupancy analyses.
Ecological Archives A025-117-S1.


File list (downloads)


Jesse S. Lewis (corresponding author)
Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Graduate Degree Program in Ecology
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, 80523, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Kenneth A Logan
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Montrose, CO, 81401, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Mat W Alldredge
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Fort Collins, CO, 80526, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Larissa L. Bailey
Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Graduate Degree Program in Ecology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO, 80523, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Sue VandeWoude
Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Kevin R. Crooks
Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Graduate Degree Program in Ecology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO, 80523, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

File list

data.txt (MD5: 2763d8f75c752f0e190815df66121618)


The data.txt is a tab-separated file. It contains the data for the mark-resight, density, and occupancy analyses for bobcats, pumas, and their prey on the Western Slope (exurban grid 1 and wildland grid 2) and Front Range (WUI grid 1 and wildland grid 2) grids.

Column headings and definitions

  1. ch = capture history
  2. Time spent on grid (TSOG) = time spent on grid for individual animal based on telemetry locations
  3. Weight = weight (kg) of animal               
  4. Grid = urbanized (0) or wildland (1) sampling grid area
  5. HumDev = amount of human influence associated with camera location                                                                                                                                                    
For values of TSOG used in mark resight analysis, if telemetry data was not available for a particular individual (due to collar malfunction), then the mean value of TSOG across all other animals with functioning collars was used for an individual as a covariate value, but the mean value of TSOG for an animal was excluded when estimating density. For pumas that were captured and marked during camera surveys, their photos were counted as unmarked in mark-resight models, but their telemetry data was used to estimate TSOG for density. Please see manuscript for further details and notes about calculations and data used.