Ecological Archives A025-113-A1

Brooke Maslo, Mick Valent, John F. Gumbs, and Winifred F. Frick. 2015. Conservation implications of ameliorating survival of little brown bats with white-nose syndrome. Ecological Applications 25:1832–1840.

Appendix A (Table A1). Candidate set of 24 a priori models used to examine the effects of sex, year, and a trend in survival with time since white-nose syndrome (WNS) arrival on little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) at Hibernia Mine, Rockaway, New Jersey, USA, 2010–2013.



S(time, sex)+p(year)

Sex-specific survival with linear time trend; recapture probability dependent on year

S(time)+p(year, sex)

Linear time trend in survival; recapture probability dependent on year and sex

S(time, sex)+p(year, sex)

Sex-specific survival with linear time trend; recapture probability dependent on year and sex


Linear time trend in survival; recapture probability dependent on year

S(year, sex)+p(year)

Sex-specific survival dependent on year; recapture probability dependent on year

S(constant, sex)+p(year, sex)

Constant, sex-specific survival; recapture probability dependent on year and sex


Constant survival; recapture probability dependent on year

S(constant)+p(year, sex)

Constant survival; recapture probability dependent on year and sex

S(year)+p(constant, sex)

Survival dependent on year; constant, sex-specific recapture probability

S(constant, sex)+p(year)

Constant, sex-specific survival; recapture probability dependent on year


Survival dependent on year; constant recapture probability


Survival dependent on year; recapture probability dependent on year

S(year, sex)+p(constant, sex)

Sex-specific survival dependent on year; constant, sex-specific recapture probability

S(year)+p(year, sex)

Survival dependent on year; recapture probability dependent on year and sex

S(year, sex)+p(constant)

Sex-specific survival dependent on year; constant recapture probability

S(year, sex)+p(year, sex)

Sex-specific survival dependent on year; recapture probability dependent on year and sex

S(time)+p(constant, sex)

Linear time trend in survival; constant, sex-specific recapture probability


Linear time trend in survival; constant recapture probability

S(time, sex)+p(constant)

Sex-specific survival with linear time trend; constant recapture probability

S(time, sex)+p(constant, sex)

Sex-specific survival with linear time trend; constant, sex-specific recapture probability

S(constant)+p(constant, sex)

Constant survival; constant, sex-specific recapture probability

S(constant, sex)+p(constant, sex)

Constant, sex-specific survival; constant, sex-specific recapture probability

S(constant, sex)+p(constant)

Constant, sex-specific survival; constant recapture probability


Constant survival; constant recapture probability

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