Margot L. Hessing-Lewis, Sally D. Hacker, Bruce A. Menge, Sea-Oh McConville, and Jeremy Henderson. 2015. Are large macroalgal blooms necessarily bad? nutrient impacts on seagrass in upwelling-influenced estuaries. Ecological Applications 25:1330–1347.
Appendix A: Temporal trends in macroalgal and eelgrass biomass (June 2007–April 2009) at field experiment location in Coos Bay, Oregon.
Ecological Archives A025-081-A1.
Appendix B: Model structures for experiment response metrics.
Ecological Archives A025-081-A2.
Appendix C: AIC values for all candidate models evaluated through model selection.
Ecological Archives A025-081-A3.
Appendix D: Model-average effect sizes between treatment groups.
Ecological Archives A025-081-A4.
Appendix E: Predicted parameters for top model response variables, including figures of observed and predicted data.
Ecological Archives A025-081-A5.
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