Ecological Archives A025-062-A2

Teresa J. Lorenz, Kerri T. Vierling, Timothy R. Johnson, and Philip C. Fischer. 2015. The role of wood hardness in limiting nest site selection in avian cavity excavators. Ecological Applications 25:1016–1033.

Appendix B. Literature reviewed for nest-site selection models.

Bagne, K. E., K. L. Purcell, and J. T. Rotenberry. 2008. Prescribed fire, snag population dynamics, and avian nest-site selection. Forest Ecology and Management 255:99–105.

Bonnot, T. W., J. J. Millspaugh, and M. A. Rumble. 2009. Multi-scale nest-site selection by black-backed woodpeckers in outbreaks of mountain pine beetles. Forest Ecology and Management 259:220–228.

Buchanan, J. B., R. E. Rogers, D. J. Pierce, and J. E. Jacobson. 2003. Nest-site habitat use by white-headed woodpeckers in the eastern Cascade Mountains, Washington. Northwestern Naturalist 84:119–128.

Conner, R. N. 1977. The effect of tree hardness on woodpecker nest entrance orientation. Auk 94:369–370.

Cooke, H. A., and S. J. Hannon. 2012. Nest-site selection by old boreal forest cavity excavators as a basis for structural retention guidelines in spatially-aggregated harvests.  Forest Ecology and Management 269:37–51.

Forristal, C. D. 2009. Influence of postfire salvage logging on black-backed woodpecker nest-site selection and nest survival. M.S. Thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, USA.

Hollenbeck, J. P., V. A. Saab, and R. W. Frenzel. 2011. Habitat suitability and nest survival of white-headed woodpeckers in unburned forests of Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1061–1071.

Matsuoka, S. 2008. Wood hardness in nest trees of the great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major.  Ornithological Science 7:59–66.

Miller, E, and D. R. Miller. 1980. Snag use by birds. Pp. 337–356 in R. M. DeGraaf, editor. Management for non-game birds. Gen Tech Report INT-GTR-86. Ogden, UT Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Kozma, J. M., and A. J. Kroll. 2012. Woodpecker nest survival in burned and unburned managed ponderosa pine forests of the northwestern United States. Condor 114:1–13.

Nappi, A., and P. Drapeau. 2011. Pre-fire forest conditions and fire severity as determinants of the quality of burned forests for deadwood-dependent species: the case of the black-backed woodpecker. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41:994–1003.

Raphael, M. G., and M. White. 1984. Use of snags by cavity-nesting birds in the Sierra Nevada. Wildlife Monographs 86:1–66.

Saab, V. A., and J. G. Dudley. 1998. Responses of cavity-nesting birds to stand-replacement fire and salvage logging in ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests of southwestern Idaho. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station Research Paper PMRS-RP-11.

Saab, V.A., R. Brannon, J. G. Dudley, L. Donohoo, D. Vanderzanden, B. Johnson, and H. Lackowski. 2002. Selection of fire-created snags at two spatial scales by cavity-nesting birds. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station General Technical Report PSW-GTR-181.

Saab, V. A., R. E. Russell, and J. G. Dudley. 2009. Nest-site selection by cavity-nesting birds in relation to postfire salvage logging. Forest Ecology and Management 257:151–159.

Schepps, J., S. Lohr, and T. E. Martin. 1999. Does tree hardness influence nest-tree selection by primary cavity nesters? Auk 116:658–665.

Spiering, D. J., and R. L. Knight. 2005. Snag density and use by cavity-nesting birds in managed stands of the Black Hills National Forest. Forest Ecology and Management 241:40–52.

Straus, M. A., K. Bavrlic, E. Nol, D. M. Burke, and K. E. Elliot. 2011. Reproductive success of cavity-nesting birds in partially harvested woodlots. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41:1004–1017.

Tozer, D. C., E. Nol, D. M. Burke, K. A. Elliott, and K. J. Falk. 2009. Predation by bears on woodpecker nests: are nestling begging and habitat choice risky business? Auk 126:300–309.

Vierling, K. T., L. B. Lentile. and N. Nielsen-Pincus. 2008. Preburn characteristics and woodpecker use of burned coniferous forests. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:422–427.

Wiebe, K. L. 2001. Microclimate of tree cavity nests: is it important for reproductive success in northern flickers? Auk 118:412–421.

Wightman, C. S., V. A. Saab, C. Forristal, K. Mellen-McLean, and A. Markus. 2010. White-headed woodpecker nesting ecology after wildfire. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1098–1106.

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