Ecological Archives A025-058-A2
David N. Koons, Fernando Colchero, Kent Hersey, and Olivier Gimenez. 2015. Disentangling the effects of climate, density dependence, and harvest on an iconic large herbivore's population dynamics. Ecological Applications 25:956–967.
Appendix B. Posterior Bayesian model weights for temperature and precipitation covariates.
Table B1. Posterior Bayesian model weights (wj) for each of the j temperature covariates added to the Gompertz model with extractions, which were calculated by normalizing the posterior variable inclusion probabilities in tier 1 of the climate variable selection process. Three letter abbreviations are used to denote months, 'ann' refers to annual measures, a subscript denotes the time lag of the variable, and 'temp' denotes mean temperature.
j |
wj |
febaprtemp1 |
0.562 |
mayjultemp |
0.145 |
anntemp1 |
0.061 |
febaprtemp |
0.046 |
anntemp |
0.035 |
novjantemp3 |
0.028 |
mayjultemp1 |
0.022 |
anntemp3 |
0.021 |
mayjultemp3 |
0.017 |
augocttemp1 |
0.011 |
augocttemp |
0.011 |
febaprtemp3 |
0.011 |
novjantemp1 |
0.011 |
novjantemp |
0.010 |
augocttemp3 |
0.010 |
Table B2. Posterior Bayesian model weights (wj) for each of the j precipitation covariates added to the Gompertz model with extractions, which were calculated by normalizing the posterior variable inclusion probabilities in tier 1 of the climate variable selection process. Three letter abbreviations are used to denote months, 'ann' refers to annual measures, a subscript denotes the time lag of the variable, and 'ppt' denotes total precipitation.
j |
wj |
j |
wj |
j |
wj |
decppt3 |
0.093 |
febppt |
0.016 |
mayppt |
0.014 |
junppt |
0.066 |
mayppt1 |
0.016 |
mayjulppt1 |
0.014 |
junppt3 |
0.043 |
aprppt1 |
0.016 |
febaprppt1 |
0.014 |
febppt3 |
0.038 |
octppt |
0.016 |
novjanppt1 |
0.014 |
augppt3 |
0.031 |
octppt3 |
0.016 |
novppt3 |
0.014 |
augoctppt1 |
0.028 |
marppt |
0.015 |
sepppt |
0.014 |
febaprppt3 |
0.026 |
novjanppt |
0.015 |
marppt1 |
0.013 |
octppt1 |
0.024 |
febaprppt |
0.015 |
febppt1 |
0.013 |
mayjulppt |
0.024 |
junppt1 |
0.015 |
janppt |
0.013 |
sepppt1 |
0.023 |
aprppt |
0.015 |
novppt1 |
0.013 |
novppt |
0.021 |
novjanppt3 |
0.015 |
marppt3 |
0.013 |
augoctppt3 |
0.021 |
annppt |
0.014 |
janppt3 |
0.012 |
annppt1 |
0.019 |
augppt1 |
0.014 |
decppt |
0.012 |
augoctppt |
0.018 |
mayjulppt3 |
0.014 |
janppt1 |
0.012 |
aprppt3 |
0.018 |
mayppt3 |
0.014 |
julppt |
0.012 |
julppt3 |
0.017 |
annppt3 |
0.014 |
decppt1 |
0.012 |
augppt |
0.017 |
sepppt3 |
0.014 |
julppt1 |
0.011 |