Ecological Archives A025-053-A1
Fabrice Requier, Jean-Franc, Ois Odoux, Thierry Tamic, Nathalie Moreau, Mickaël Henry, Axel Decourtye, and Vincent Bretagnolle. 2015. Honey bee diet in intensive farmland habitats reveals an unexpectedly high flower richness and a major role of weeds. Ecological Applications 25:881–890.
Appendix A. Study area, study design and sample sizes used in this study.
Fig. A1. Study area, study design and sample sizes used in this study. (a) map of the study area, the LTER "Zone Atelier Plaine et Val de Sèvre", France, showing location of the 50 squares and the distribution of the main habitat types, grassland consists of permanent grasslands and arable land includes lucerne, (b) method of pollen and nectar sampling for each square, (c) palynological technics for flower species identification, and (d) physico-chemical sampling for nutritional characterisation of pollens.