Nicholas M. Fountain-Jones, Gregory J. Jordan, Thomas P. Baker, Jayne M. Balmer, Tim Wardlaw, and Susan C. Baker. 2015. Living near the edge: Being close to mature forest increases the rate of succession in beetle communities. Ecological Applications 25:800–811.
Appendix A: Further information about each of the 15 sites.
Ecological Archives A025-047-A1.
Appendix B: Environmental variables important in understanding beetle succession.
Ecological Archives A025-047-A2.
Appendix C: Gradient forest output for each forest age.
Ecological Archives A025-047-A3.
Appendix D: Nonlinear and linear regressions of individual environmental variables with distance.
Ecological Archives A025-047-A4.
Appendix E: Common species abundance (>5 individuals) and indicator species for each distance and each age.
Ecological Archives A025-047-A5.
Supplement 1: R code used in this study.
Ecological Archives A025-047-S1.
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