Ecological Archives A025-035-A5

Heidi Liere, Tania N. Kim, Benjamin P. Werling, Timothy D. Meehan, Douglas A. Landis, and Claudio Gratton. 2015. Trophic cascades in agricultural landscapes: indirect effects of landscape composition on crop yield. Ecological Applications 25:652–661.

Appendix E. Figure of the yearly variation in natural enemy abundances and soybean yield gain.


Fig. E1. Yearly variation in (A) natural enemy (NE) abundances and (B) soybean yield gain. NE were collected using yellow sticky cards. Soybean yield effect sizes were calculated as the log (soybean pod mass in open cages /soybean pod mass in closed cages). Gray, dotted line represents effect size = 0 where there is no difference in soybean yield between open and closed cages. Effect sizes > 0 represents greater yield in open cages. Effect < 0 represents lower yield in open cages.

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