#Script to calculate duration of epidemic for each county (dur column of us_data_dur) and to #to calculate number of susceptible caves per county per year over course of epidemic #using SIR model parameterized by cave data from NY and PA ##The script creates 2 csv files - us_data_dur.csv and us_data_dur_S_sequence.csv #Both csv files must be sorted from lowest to highest FIPS number for simulations to work. #Any questions contact S.M. O'Regan smoregan@uga.edu SIRWNS<- function(initVars, gamma, R0, populationSize, maxEvents, startTime=0, endTime) { #Purpose: Perform numerical integration of SIR system of ODEs using lsoda() ODE solver # to simulate a deterministic SIR model run # Returns: a data frame with the following variables: # - time: times at which events occurred # - S: time series of the number/proportion of individuals SUSCEPTIBLE # - I: time series of the number/proportion of individuals INFECTED # - R: time series of the number/proportion of individuals RECOVERED # # Parameters: # -initVars: column vector of the initial integers of the population in each class # [Example (integer-valued): c(S = 1000, I = 2, R = 0) # -R0: basic reproductive rate, which will be used # to calculate beta # - gamma: reciprocal of infectious period # -maxEvents: number of ODE integration intervals # -startTime: time point at which to begin integrating [default: 0] # -endTime: time point at which integration will end [default: 100] # Package require (deSolve) # vector of timesteps (over which to solve the differential equation) timeSteps <- seq(startTime, endTime, length = maxEvents) intervalWidth <- round(((endTime - startTime) / maxEvents),4) # Round to 4 decimal places beta<-gamma*R0/populationSize #density dependent transmission; beta is a function of the initially fully susceptible population size parameters <- c(gamma,beta) # INTEGER-VALUED Deterministic SIR Model without demographics # ***(NOTE: Standard notation refers to the integer numbers using X,Y,Z # but we here stick to S,I,R for our integer model for consistency) SIRModel <- function(t, x, parms) { with(as.list(c(parms, x)), { dS <-(-beta*S*I) #susceptibles dI <- beta*S*I -(gamma)*I #infected dR <- gamma*I res <- c(dS, dI,dR) list(res) }) } ## Numerically integrate using the lsoda() ODE solver # Integer-valued model out <- as.data.frame(lsoda(initVars, timeSteps, SIRModel, parameters)) } caves<-read.csv("us_data.csv", header=TRUE) #WNS county dataset #script to calculate epidemic durations for each county #using SIR model parameterized by cave data from NY and PA unique_cave_numbers<-unique(caves$caves); unique_cave_numbers<-unique_cave_numbers[-1]; unique_duration<-unlist(lapply(unique_cave_numbers,function (x) { results<-SIRWNS(c(S=x-1, I=1, R=0), 1/3, 2.56, x, 100*10^2, startTime=0, 100); ceiling(results[which(results$I<1)[1],1]) })) unique_caves<-data.frame(unique_cave_numbers,unique_duration); new_caves<-merge(caves,unique_caves,by.x="caves",by.y="unique_cave_numbers",all.x=TRUE) write.csv(file="us_data_dur",new_caves) # csv file must be sorted by FIPS number to generate simulations correctly #script to calculate number of susceptible caves per county per year over course of epidemic #using SIR model parameterized by cave data from NY and PA unique_S_sequence<-unlist(lapply(unique_cave_numbers,function (x) { results<-SIRWNS(c(S=x-1, I=1, R=0), 1/3, 2.56, x, 100*10^2, startTime=0, 100); results$S[seq(0,10000,100)+1] })) unique_S_sequence<-matrix(t(unique_S_sequence),ncol=length(unique_cave_numbers),nrow=101); unique_S_sequence<-floor(unique_S_sequence[-101,]); unique_caves<-data.frame(unique_cave_numbers,unique_duration,t(unique_S_sequence)); new_caves<-merge(caves,unique_caves,by.x="caves",by.y="unique_cave_numbers",all.x=TRUE) write.csv(file="us_data_dur_S_sequence.csv",new_caves) # csv file must be sorted by FIPS number to generate simulations correctly #mean/median duration of epidemic in a county closely agree - about 25 years.