Ecological Archives A025-025-A3
Jelle P. Hilbers, Frank van Langevelde, Herbert H. T. Prins, C. C. Grant, Mike J. S. Peel, Michael B. Coughenour, Henrik J. de Knegt, Rob Slowtow, Izak P. J. Smit, Greg A. Kiker, and Willem F. de Boer. 2015. Modeling elephant-mediated cascading effects of water point closure. Ecological Applications 25:402–415.
Appendix C. Standardized beta coefficients between simulated animals species and plant groups.
Table C1. The standardized beta coefficients (β) between plant groups and animal species (N = 240 per combination). 95% confidence intervals are reported between brackets.
Elephant bulls |
Elephant cows |
Grass biomass |
0–1 m |
1–2 m |
2–3 m |
3–6 m |
>6 m |
Buffalo |
Roan |
Wildebeest |
Zebra |
Impala |
Steenbok |
Bushbuck |
Kudu |
Giraffe |
Elephant bulls |
1 |
.95* (.91/.99) |
-.36* (-.48/-.24) |
-.01 (-.14/.11) |
.09 (-.04/.21) |
-.02 (-.15/.11) |
-.02 (.14/.11) |
-.07 (-.20/.05 |
.28* (.16/.41) |
.18 (.05/.31) |
-.34* (-.46/-.22) |
-.32* (-.44/-.20) |
-.32* (-.44/-.20) |
-.33* (-.45/-.21) |
-.10 (-.22/.03) |
-.07 (-.20/.06) |
-.33* (-.45/-.21) |
Elephant cows |
.95* (.91/.99) |
1.00 |
-.24* (-.37/-.12) |
-.12 (-.25/.01) |
-.10 (-.22/.03) |
-.16 (-.29/-.04) |
-.16 (-.28/-.03) |
-.27* (-.39/-.15) |
.23* (.11/.36) |
-.05 (-.18/.08) |
-.20 (-.33/-.07) |
-.18 (-.30/-.05) |
-.15 (-.27/-.02) |
-.24* (-.36/-.12) |
.05 (-.08/.18) |
.09 (-.04/.21) |
-.21 (-.33/-.08) |
Grass biomass |
-.36* (-.48/-.24) |
-.24* (-.37/-.12) |
1.00 |
.01 (-.12/.14) |
-.82* (-.89/-.75) |
-.79* (-.87/-.72) |
-.78* (-.86/-.70) |
-.12 (-.25/.00) |
-.85* (-.92/-.79) |
-.48* (-.59/-.37) |
.99* (.96/1.01) |
.89* (83/.95) |
.81* (.73/.88) |
.99* (.97/1.01) |
.09 (-.03/.22) |
.05 (-.08/.18) |
.98* (.96/1.01) |
0–1 m |
-.01 (-.14/.11) |
-.12 (-.25/.01) |
.01 (-.12/.14) |
1.00 |
.25* (.13/.38) |
.21 (.08/.33) |
.20 (.08/.33) |
.48* (.37/.59) |
-.20 (-.32/-.07) |
.17 (.05/.30) |
-.06 (-.18/.07) |
-.20 (-.33/-.08) |
-.24* (-.36/-.11) |
.06 (-.07/.18) |
-.33* (-.45/-.21) |
-.33* (-.45/-.21) |
-.03 (-.16/.10) |
1–2 m |
.09 (-.04/.21) |
-.10 (-.22/.03) |
-.82* (-.89/-.75) |
.25* (.13/.38) |
1.00 |
.98* (.96/1.01) |
.97* (.94/1.00) |
.62* (.52/.72) |
.60* (.49/.70) |
.53* (.42/.64) |
-.88* (-.94/-.82) |
-.89* (-.95/-.83) |
-.84* (-.91/-.77) |
-.79* (-.87/-.72) |
-.27* (-.40/-.15) |
-.27* (-.39/-.14) |
-.87* (-.93/.81) |
2–3 m |
-.02 (-.15/.11) |
-.16 (-.29/-.04) |
-.79* (-.87/-.72) |
.21 (.08/.33) |
.98* (.96/1.01) |
1.00 |
1.00* (.99/1.01) |
.58* (.47/.68) |
.60* (.50/.70) |
.41* (.29/.53) |
-.85* (-.92/-.72) |
-.86* (-.93/-.80) |
-.77* (-.86/-.69) |
-.79* (-.87/.-.71) |
-.19 (-.31/-.06) |
-.17 (-.30/-.05) |
-.86* (-.92/-.79) |
3–6 m |
-.02 (.14/.11) |
-.16 (-.28/-.03) |
-.78* (-.86/-.70) |
.20 (.08/.33) |
.97* (.94/1.00) |
1.00* (.99/1.01) |
1.00 |
.60* (.49/.70) |
.61* (.50/.71) |
.39* (.27/.51) |
-.85* (-.91/-.78) |
-.87* (-.93/-.81) |
-.76* (-.84/-.67) |
-.78* (-.86/-.71) |
-.15 (-.27/-.02) |
-.13 (-.26/-.01) |
-.86* (-.92/-.79) |
>6 m |
-.07 (-.20/.05) |
-.27* (-.39/-.15) |
-.12 (-.25/.00) |
.48* (.37/.59) |
.62* (.52/.72) |
.58* (.47/.68) |
.60* (.49/.70) |
1.00 |
-.06 (-.19/.06) |
.40* (.28/.52) |
-.24* (-.37/-.12) |
-.39* (-.51/-.27) |
-.38* (-.50/-.26) |
-.07 (-.19/.06) |
-.35* (-.47/-.23) |
-.38* (-.50/-.26) |
-.24* (-.36/-.11) |
Buffalo |
.28* (.16/.41) |
.23* (.11/.36) |
-.85* (-.92/-.79) |
-.20 (-.32/-.07) |
.60* (.49/.70) |
.60* (.50/.70) |
.61* (.50/.71) |
-.06 (-.19/.06) |
1.00 |
.35* (.23/.47) |
-.81* (-.88/-.73) |
-.64* (-.73/-.54) |
-.44* (-.55/-.32) |
-.87* (-.93/-.80) |
.28* (.15/.40) |
.37* (.25/.49) |
-.82* (-.90/-.75) |
Roan |
.18 (.05/.31) |
-.05 (-.18/.08) |
-.48* (-.59/-.37) |
.17 (.05/.30) |
.53* (.42/.64) |
.41* (.29/.53) |
.39* (.27/.51) |
.40* (.28/.52) |
.35* (.23/.47) |
1.00 |
-.49* (-.60/-.38) |
-.37* (-.49/-.25) |
-.50* (-.61/-.39) |
-.38* (-.50/-.26) |
-.44* (-.55/-.32) |
-.40* (-.51/-.28) |
-.45* (-.56/-.33) |
Wildebeest |
-.34* (-.46/-.22) |
-.20 (-.33/-.07) |
.99* (.96/1.01) |
-.06 (-.18/.07) |
-.88* (-.94/-.82) |
-.85* (-.92/-.72) |
-.85* (-.91/-.78) |
-.24* (-.37/-.12) |
-.81* (-.88/-.73) |
-.49* (-.60/-.38) |
1.00 |
.94* (.89/.98) |
.86* (.79/.92) |
.98* (.95/1.00) |
.15 (.02/.28) |
.13 (-.00/.25) |
.99* (.98/1.01) |
Zebra |
-.32* (-.44/-.20) |
-.18 (-.30/-.05) |
.89* (83/.95) |
-.20 (-.33/-.08) |
-.89* (-.95/-.83) |
-.86* (-.93/-.80) |
-.87* (-.93/-.81) |
-.39* (-.51/-.27) |
-.64* (-.73/-.54) |
-.37* (-.49/-.25) |
.94* (.89/.98) |
1.00 |
.91* (.86/.96) |
.88* (.82/.94) |
.18 (.05/.30) |
.21 (.08/.33) |
.93* (.89/.98) |
Impala |
-.32* (-.44/-.20) |
-.15 (-.27/-.02) |
.81* (.73/.88) |
-.24* (-.36/-.11) |
-.84* (-.91/-.77) |
-.77* (-.86/-.69) |
-.76* (-.84/-.67) |
-.38* (-.50/-.26) |
-.44* (-.55/-.32) |
-.50* (-.61/-.39) |
.86* (.79/.92) |
.91* (.86/.96) |
1.00 |
.77* (.69/.84) |
.50* (.39/.61) |
.51* (.40/.62) |
.83* (.75/.90) |
Steenbok |
-.33* (-.45/-.21) |
-.24* (-.36/-.12) |
.99* (.97/1.01) |
.06 (-.07/.18) |
-.79* (-.87/-.72) |
-.79* (-.87/.-.71) |
-.78* (-.86/-.71) |
-.07 (-.19/.06) |
-.87* (-.93/-.80) |
-.38* (-.50/-.26) |
.98* (.95/1.00) |
.88* (.82/.94) |
.77* (.69/.84) |
1.00 |
.01 (-.12/.14) |
-.03 (-.16/.10) |
.98* (.96/1.01) |
Bushbuck |
-.10 (-.22/.03) |
.05 (-.08/.18) |
.09 (-.03/.22) |
-.33* (-.45/-.21) |
-.27* (-.40/-.15) |
-.19 (-.31/-.06) |
-.15 (-.27/-.02) |
-.35* (-.47/-.23) |
.28* (.15/.40) |
-.44* (-.55/-.32) |
.15 (.02/.28) |
.18 (.05/.30) |
.50* (.39/.61) |
.01 (-.12/.14) |
1.00 |
.93* (.88/.98) |
.07 (-.06/.20) |
Kudu |
-.07 (-.20/.06) |
.09 (-.04/.21) |
.05 (-.08/.18) |
-.33* (-.45/-.21) |
-.27* (-.39/-.14) |
-.17 (-.30/-.05) |
-.13 (-.26/-.01) |
-.38* (-.50/-.26) |
.37* (.25/.49) |
-.40* (-.51/-.28) |
.13 (-.00/.25) |
.21 (.08/.33) |
.51* (.40/.62) |
-.03 (-.16/.10) |
.93* (.88/.98) |
1.00 |
.04 (-.09/.17) |
Giraffe |
-.33* (-.45/-.21) |
-.21 (-.33/-.08) |
.98* (.96/1.01) |
-.03 (-.16/.10) |
-.87* (-.93/.81) |
-.86* (-.92/-.79) |
-.86* (-.92/-.79) |
-.24* (-.36/-.11) |
-.82* (-.90/-.75) |
-.45* (-.56/-.33) |
.99* (.98/1.01) |
.93* (.89/.98) |
.83* (.75/.90) |
.98* (.96/1.01) |
.07 (-.06/.20) |
.04 (-.09/.17) |
1.00 |
*. Coefficient is significant at the 0.001 level (two-tailed).