Ecological Archives A025-024-A2

Kyle G. Horton, W. Gregory Shriver, and Jeffrey J. Buler. 2015. A comparison of traffic estimates of nocturnal flying animals using radar, thermal imaging, and acoustic recording. Ecological Applications 25:390–401.

Appendix B.Animal flight traffic rate estimates, by decile periods of the night, derived from observations by weather surveillance radar (mean linear reflectivity (Z) by height above ground in 100-m intervals), thermal infrared camera (detections per hour), and acoustic recorder (calls per hour) during the fall of 2012. Only complete nights are presented. Note that scales vary among nights..


Fig. B1.Animal flight traffic rate estimates, by decile periods of the night, derived from observations by weather surveillance radar (mean linear reflectivity (Z) by height above ground in 100-m intervals), thermal infrared camera (detections per hour), and acoustic recorder (calls per hour) during the fall of 2012. Only complete nights are presented. Note that scales vary among nights..

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