Frank A. La Sorte, Daniel Fink, Wesley M. Hochachka, Jocelyn L. Aycrigg, Kenneth V. Rosenberg, Amanda D. Rodewald, Nicholas E. Bruns, Andrew Farnsworth, Brian L. Sullivan, Chris Wood, and Steve Kelling. 2015. Documenting stewardship responsibilities across the annual cycle for birds on U.S. public lands. Ecological Applications 25:39–51.
Appendix A: Definitions for GAP status 2 and 3 lands.
Ecological Archives A025-004-A1.
Appendix B: Supporting figures displaying examples of species’ weekly frequency of occurrence and weekly stewardship plots; weekly occurrence centroids and average breeding season probability of occurrence on GAP status 2 lands; weekly occurrence centroids and average breeding season probability of occurrence on GAP status 3 lands; and weekly elevation associations and maximum seasonal range size.
Ecological Archives A025-004-A2.
Appendix C: The 308 species considered in the study and their individual results.
Ecological Archives A025-004-A3.
Appendix D: Results of the conservation status permutation tests.
Ecological Archives A025-004-A4.
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