Ecological Archives A025-003-A1

Zhenhua Luo, Zhigang Jiang, and Songhua Tang. 2015. Impacts of climate change on distributions and diversity of ungulates on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Applications 25:24–38.

Appendix A. Jack-knife analyses of importance of eco-geographic predictors for ungulates on the Tibetan Plateau.


Fig. A1. Jack-knife analyses of importance of eco-geographic predictors for ungulates on the Tibetan Plateau, showing average contributions of the variables across all 22 species. The bottom bar indicates the overall model quality (total gain) with all the eight predictors; black bars indicate gains when only the given predictor is included in the models; Gray bars indicate gains resulting from inclusion of all predictors except the given predictor. Standard deviations are shown as error bars. LAC: landcover, HII: human influence index, ELEV: elevation, TEMR: temperature annual range, TS: temperature seasonality, PRS: precipitation seasonality, ANPR: annual precipitation, ANMT: annual mean temperature.

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