VARIABLE_TYPE VARIABLE_NAME DESCRIPTION EXTENT STORAGE TYPE UNITS (numeric values) TIME PERIOD PROCESSING METHOD ADDITIONAL NOTE ON PROCESSING OR DATASET SOURCE DATA NOMINAL RESOLUTION/SCALE OF SOURCE DATA CITATION WEBSITE FOR SOURCE DATA CHECKSUM BasinID GAGE_ID Gage ID N/A Character N/A N/A N/A N/A USGS NWIS N/A "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008b" N/A BasinID NAME Name N/A Character N/A N/A N/A N/A USGS NWIS N/A "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008b" N/A BasinID DRN_SQKM "Watershed drainage area, sq km" WATERSHED Floating point square km N/A Vector polygon area N/A USGS NWIS and NAWQA "1:24,000 - 1:100,000" "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008b; U.S. Geological Survey, 2008a" and 18691326.3 BasinID HUC "NHDPlus Water Resources Region (HUC2; 01 = New England, 02 = Mid-Atlantic, etc.) in which the basin is contained." N/A Character N/A N/A N/A N/A NHDPlus N/A "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" N/A BasinID LATITUDE "Latitude at gage, decimal degrees." SITE Floating point "decimal degrees, datum NAD83." N/A N/A N/A USGS NWIS N/A "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008b" 266176.0 BasinID LONGITUDE "Longitude at gage, decimal degrees." SITE Floating point "decimal degrees, datum NAD83." N/A N/A N/A USGS NWIS N/A "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008b" -653839.4 BasinID FIPS_SITE FIPS code of the county at gage location SITE Character N/A 2000 Vector point N/A Census "1:100,000" "U.S. Census Bureau, 2008" N/A BasinID STATE_SITE State at gage location SITE Character N/A 2000 Vector point N/A Census "1:100,000" "U.S. Census Bureau, 2008" N/A BasinID COUNTYNAME_SITE Name of the county at gage location SITE Character N/A 2000 Vector point N/A Census "1:100,000" "U.S. Census Bureau, 2008" N/A BasinID HCDN """yes"" = HCDN site" N/A Character N/A N/A N/A N/A USGS HCDN N/A "Slack and Landwehr, 1992" N/A BasinID SITESTATUS Active/inactive (as of 2007); from NHDPlus SITE Character N/A 2007 N/A N/A NHDPlus N/A "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" N/A BasinID NAWQA """yes"" = NAWQA site" N/A Character N/A N/A N/A N/A USGS NAWQA N/A "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008b" N/A Bas_Classif CLASS Reference/non-reference class: REF = reference (least-disturbed hydrologic condition); NON-REF = not reference. N/A Character N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bas_Classif AGGECOREGION Aggregated level II ecoregion used for classification N/A Character N/A N/A N/A N/A USEPA Ecoregions "1:7,500,000" "Omernik, 1987" N/A Bas_Classif HYDRO_DISTURB_INDX "Hydrologic ""disturbance index"" score, based on 7 variables: 1) 2006_MAJ_DDENS, 2) WATER_WITHDR, 3) change in dam storage 1950-2006, 4) CANALS_PCT+ARTFLOW_PCT, 5) RAW_DIS_NEAREST_MAJ_NPDES, 6) ROADS_KM_SQ_KM, and 7) FRAGUN_watershed. Low values = low anthropogenic hydrologic modification in the watershed, high values = high anthropogenic hydrologic modification" WATERSHED Integer unitless 2000-2007 N/A N/A Multiple Mixed "Falcone et al., 2009" N/A 115389.0 Bas_Classif WR_REPORT_REMARKS "Water Report remarks pertinent to hydrologic modifications, if any, from ADR citation" N/A Character N/A Most recent; may vary N/A No remarks in this field mean there were no remarks in the ADR indicating diversion or regulation "See next field, ADR_CITATION" N/A See ADR_CITATION See ADR_CITATION N/A Bas_Classif ADR_CITATION "Annual Data Report citation, if any" N/A Character N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A This field is the citation This field is the citation; may be on-line N/A Bas_Classif NYEARS Number of water years complete flow data available (365 days) in period 1950-2007 (max 58 years) N/A Integer years 1950-2007 N/A Maximum is 58 years USGS NWIS N/A "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008b" 280509.0 Bas_Classif BEGIN_DT Begin year of flow record N/A Date year 1950-2007 N/A N/A USGS NWIS N/A "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008b" 13274930.0 Bas_Classif END_DT End year of flow record N/A Date year 1950-2007 N/A N/A USGS NWIS N/A "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008b" 13568613.0 Bas_Morph BAS_COMPACTNESS "Watershed compactness ratio, = area/perimeter^2; higher number = more compact shape. " WATERSHED Floating point unitless N/A Vector polygon area "Basin grids were re-converted to polygons for calculation; because original perimeters could be of inconsistent detail, depending on method used to delineate basins (some were from NAWQA)" USGS NWIS and NAWQA "1:24,000 - 1:100,000" "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008b; U.S. Geological Survey, 2008a" and 11117.1 Census_Block PDEN_1990_BLOCK "Population density in the watershed, persons per sq km, from 1990 Census block data regridded to 100m" WATERSHED Floating point persons/sq km 1990 Grid "Block data is the most detailed Census scale. Original SILVIS data in polygon form (all US Census blocks), subsequently gridded at 100-m" SILVIS Lab Census block "SILVIS Lab, 2008" 484892.1 Census_Block PDEN_2000_BLOCK "Population density in the watershed, persons per sq km, from 2000 Census block data regridded to 100m" WATERSHED Floating point persons/sq km 2000 Grid "Block data is the most detailed Census scale. Original SILVIS data in polygon form (all US Census blocks), subsequently gridded at 100-m" SILVIS Lab Census block "SILVIS Lab, 2008" 545721.3 Census_County PDEN_1950_COUNTY "Population density in the watershed, persons per sq km, from 1950 county data." WATERSHED Floating point persons/sq km 1950 Grid "This is likely to be much less accurate than block-level data. If the basin falls within a county (and most do), then the number given here would be identical to the county's pop den." Census Census county boundaries "U.S. Census Bureau, 2008" 308141.8 Census_County PDEN_1990_COUNTY "Population density in the watershed, persons per sq km, from 1990 county data." WATERSHED Floating point persons/sq km 1990 Grid "This is likely to be much less accurate than block-level data. If the basin falls within a county (and most do), then the number given here would be identical to the county's pop den." Census Census county boundaries "U.S. Census Bureau, 2008" 541928.5 Climate PPTAVG_BASIN "Mean annual precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 698282.5 Climate PPTAVG_SITE "Mean annual precip (cm) at the gage location, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " SITE Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid Gridspot command PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 627953.6 Climate PPTMAX_BASIN "Watershed average of maximum monthly precipitation (cm) from 2 km PRISM, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990)." WATERSHED Floating point cm 1961-1990 Grid N/A PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 881596.0 Climate PPTMIN_BASIN "Watershed average of minimum monthly precipitation (cm) from 2km PRISM, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990)." WATERSHED Floating point cm 1961-1990 Grid N/A PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 293252.6 Climate PPTMAX_SITE "Site average of maximum monthly precipitation (cm) from 2km PRISM, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990)." SITE Floating point cm 1961-1990 Grid Gridspot command PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 786846.0 Climate PPTMIN_SITE "Site average of minimum monthly precipitation (cm) from 2km PRISM, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990)." SITE Floating point cm 1961-1990 Grid Gridspot command PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 272568.0 Climate T_AVG_BASIN "Average annual air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 69181.0 Climate T_AVG_SITE "Average annual air temperature at the gage location, degrees C, from 2km PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." SITE Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid Gridspot command PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 76459.3 Climate T_MAX_BASIN "Watershed average of maximum monthly air temperature (degrees C) from 800m PRISM, derived from 30 years of record (1971-2000)." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 113286.4 Climate T_MAXSTD_BASIN "Standard deviation of maximum monthly air temperature (degrees C) from 800m PRISM, derived from 30 years of record (1971-2000)." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 6253.3 Climate T_MIN_BASIN "Watershed average of minimum monthly air temperature (degrees C) from 800m PRISM, derived from 30 years of record (1971-2000)." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 25829.8 Climate T_MINSTD_BASIN "Standard deviation of minimum monthly air temperature (degrees C) from 800m PRISM, derived from 30 years of record (1971-2000)." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 4767.9 Climate T_MAX_SITE "Gage location maximum monthly air temperature (degrees C) from 800m PRISM, derived from 30 years of record (1971-2000)." SITE Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid Gridspot command PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 124017.2 Climate T_MIN_SITE "Gage location minimum monthly air temperature (degrees C) from 800m PRISM, derived from 30 years of record (1971-2000)." SITE Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid Gridspot command PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 32380.5 Climate RH_BASIN "Watershed average relative humidity (percent), from 2km PRISM, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990)." WATERSHED Floating point percent 1961-1990 Grid N/A PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 437612.2 Climate RH_SITE "Site average relative humidity (percent), from 2km PRISM, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990)." SITE Floating point percent 1961-1990 Grid Gridspot command PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 437955.0 Climate FST32F_BASIN "Watershed average of mean day of the year (1-365) of first freeze, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990), 2km PRISM." WATERSHED Floating point day of year 1961-1990 Grid Values of 365 here indicate there is no freeze PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 1917496.3 Climate LST32F_BASIN "Watershed average of mean day of the year (1-365) of last freeze, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990), 2km PRISM." WATERSHED Floating point day of year 1961-1990 Grid Values of 0 here indicate there is no freeze PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 842544.8 Climate FST32F_SITE "Site average of mean day of the year (1-365) of first freeze, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990), 2km PRISM." SITE Integer day of year 1961-1990 Grid Values of 365 here indicate there is no freeze PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 1950184.0 Climate LST32F_SITE "Site average of mean day of the year (1-365) of last freeze, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990), 2km PRISM." SITE Integer day of year 1961-1990 Grid Values of 0 here indicate there is no freeze PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 792709.0 Climate WD_BASIN "Watershed average of annual number of days (days) of measurable precipitation, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990), 2km PRISM." WATERSHED Floating point days 1961-1990 Grid N/A PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 678765.9 Climate WDMAX_BASIN "Watershed average of monthly maximum number of days (days) of measurable precipitation, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990), 2km PRISM." WATERSHED Floating point days 1961-1990 Grid N/A PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 76981.4 Climate WDMIN_BASIN "Watershed average of monthly minimum number of days (days) of measurable precipitation, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990), 2km PRISM." WATERSHED Floating point days 1961-1990 Grid N/A PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 36591.2 Climate WD_SITE "Site average of annual number of days (days) of measurable precipitation, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990), 2km PRISM." SITE Integer days 1961-1990 Grid Gridspot command PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 640987.0 Climate WDMAX_SITE "Site average of monthly maximum number of days (days) of measurable precipitation, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990), 2km PRISM." SITE Integer days 1961-1990 Grid Gridspot command PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 72720.0 Climate WDMIN_SITE "Site average of monthly minimum number of days (days) of measurable precipitation, derived from 30 years of record (1961-1990), 2km PRISM." SITE Integer days 1961-1990 Grid Gridspot command PRISM 2-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 34679.0 Climate PET "Mean-annual potential evapotranspiration (PET), estimated using the Hamon (1961) equation. " WATERSHED Floating point mm/year 1961-1990 Grid "The Hamon equation computes PET from mean-monthly air temperature and latitude. The mean-monthly air temperature values were computed from 1961-90 ""normals"" (30-year average values) of mean-monthly minimum and maximum air temperature generated from a PRISM spatial/statistical model" PRISM 1-km grid "Hamon, 1961; DiLuzio et al., 2008" 4611303.3 Climate SNOW_PCT_PRECIP "Snow percent of total precipitation estimate, mean for period 1901-2000. From McCabe and Wolock (submitted, 2008), 1km grid." WATERSHED Floating point percent 1901-2000 Grid N/A David Wolock 1-km grid McCabe and Wolock (2009)) N/A 141386.8 Climate PRECIP_SEAS_IND "Precipitation seasonality index (Markham, 1970; Dingman, 2002). Index of how much annual precipitation falls seasonally (high values) or spread out over the year (low values). Based on monthly precip values from 30 year (1971-2000) PRISM. Range is 0 (precip spread out exactly evenly in each month) to 1 (all precip falls in a single month)." WATERSHED Floating point unitless 1971-2000 Grid "This is calculated as described in Dingman (2002), pages 140-145. Each month is treated as a vector, and the precip in that month as the ""length"" of that vector." PRISM 800-m grid "Markham 1970; Dingman 2002; PRISM Group, 2008" 1430.3 Climate JAN_PPT7100_CM "Mean January precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 64208.3 Climate FEB_PPT7100_CM "Mean February precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 57158.9 Climate MAR_PPT7100_CM "Mean March precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 66876.3 Climate APR_PPT7100_CM "Mean April precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 56739.1 Climate MAY_PPT7100_CM "Mean May precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 61994.2 Climate JUN_PPT7100_CM "Mean June precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 56816.6 Climate JUL_PPT7100_CM "Mean July precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 53498.8 Climate AUG_PPT7100_CM "Mean August precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 51089.6 Climate SEP_PPT7100_CM "Mean September precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 52186.0 Climate OCT_PPT7100_CM "Mean October precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 51309.2 Climate NOV_PPT7100_CM "Mean November precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 64318.2 Climate DEC_PPT7100_CM "Mean December precip (cm) for the watershed, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000. " WATERSHED Floating point cm 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 62173.5 Climate JAN_TMP7100_DEGC "Average January air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" -7387.8 Climate FEB_TMP7100_DEGC "Average February air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 3613.0 Climate MAR_TMP7100_DEGC "Average March air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 29872.3 Climate APR_TMP7100_DEGC "Average April air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 63945.6 Climate MAY_TMP7100_DEGC "Average May air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 97250.1 Climate JUN_TMP7100_DEGC "Average June air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 127332.6 Climate JUL_TMP7100_DEGC "Average July air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 146043.3 Climate AUG_TMP7100_DEGC "Average August air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 141635.4 Climate SEP_TMP7100_DEGC "Average September air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 116400.7 Climate OCT_TMP7100_DEGC "Average October air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 77855.2 Climate NOV_TMP7100_DEGC "Average November air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 35334.7 Climate DEC_TMP7100_DEGC "Average December air temperature for the watershed, degrees C, from 800m PRISM data. 30 years period of record 1971-2000." WATERSHED Floating point degrees C 1971-2000 Grid N/A PRISM 800-m grid "PRISM Group, 2008" 3080.1 Geology GEOL_REEDBUSH_DOM "Dominant (highest percent of area) geology, derived from a simplified version of Reed & Bush (2001) - Generalized Geologic Map of the Conterminous United States." WATERSHED Character N/A N/A Grid N/A USGS "1:7,500,000" "Reed and Bush, 2001" N/A Geology GEOL_REEDBUSH_DOM_PCT "Percentage of the watershed covered by the dominant geology type (Reed & Bush, 2001)" WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid N/A USGS "1:7,500,000" "Reed and Bush, 2001" 618909.2 Geology GEOL_REEDBUSH_SITE Geology type at the gage location derived from a simplified version of Reed & Bush (2001) - Generalized Geologic Map of the Conterminous United States. SITE Character N/A N/A Grid N/A USGS "1:7,500,000" "Reed and Bush, 2001" N/A Geology GEOL_HUNT_DOM_CODE "Dominant (highest percent of area) geology, derived from Hunt (1979) coverage" WATERSHED Character N/A N/A Grid N/A USGS "1:7,500,000" "Hunt, 1979" N/A Geology GEOL_HUNT_DOM_PCT "Percentage of the watershed covered by the dominant geology type (Hunt, 1979)" WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid N/A USGS "1:7,500,000" "Hunt, 1979" 565848.7 Geology GEOL_HUNT_DOM_DESC "Text description of the dominant (highest percent of area) geology, derived from Hunt (1979) coverage" WATERSHED Character N/A N/A Grid N/A USGS "1:7,500,000" "Hunt, 1979" N/A Geology GEOL_HUNT_SITE_CODE Geology type at the gage location derived from Hunt (1979) SITE Character N/A N/A Grid N/A USGS "1:7,500,000" "Hunt, 1979" N/A Hydro STREAMS_KM_SQ_KM "Stream density, km of streams per watershed sq km, from NHD 100k streams" WATERSHED Floating point km/sq km N/A Vector line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 4974.8 Hydro STRAHLER_MAX "Maximum Strahler stream order in watershed, from NHDPlus. " WATERSHED Integer unitless N/A Vector line -99 usually means all streams in basin are canals/ditches/pipelines. NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 28056.0 Hydro MAINSTEM_SINUOUSITY Sinuosity of mainstem stream line. Defined as curvilinear length of the mainstem stream line divided by the straight-line distance between the end points of the line. MAINSTEM Floating point unitless N/A Vector line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 11262.6 Hydro BFI "Base Flow Index (BFI), The BFI is a ratio of base flow to total streamflow, expressed as a percentage and ranging from 0 to 100. Base flow is the sustained, slowly varying component of streamflow, usually attributed to ground-water discharge to a stream." WATERSHED Floating point percent Long-term average Grid Grid generated by inverse-distance-weighting of base-flow index values computed at USGS streamgages USGS 1-km grid "Wolock, 2003a" 316590.3 Hydro PERDUN "Dunne overland flow, also know as saturation overland flow, is generated in a basin when the water table ""outcrops"" on the land surface (due to the infiltration and redistribution of soil moisture within the basin), thereby producing temporary saturated areas. These saturated areas generate Dunne overland flow through exfiltration of shallow ground water and by routing precipitation directly to the stream network." WATERSHED Floating point percentage of total streamflow Long-term average Grid "The data are estimated from a watershed simulation model called TOPMODEL (Wolock, 1993). The model was run throughout the conterminous U.S. and estimated percentage of Dunne overland flow in total streamflow was quantified (Wolock, 2003)." USGS 5-km grid "Wolock, 2003b" 15613.8 Hydro PERHOR "Horton overland flow, also known as infiltration-excess overland flow, is generated in a basin when infiltration rates are exceeded by precipitation rates." WATERSHED Floating point percentage of total streamflow Long-term average Grid "The data are estimated from a watershed simulation model called TOPMODEL (Wolock, 1993). The model was run throughout the conterminous U.S. and estimated percentage of Horton overland flow in total streamflow was quantified (Wolock, 2003)." USGS 5-km grid "Wolock, 2003c" 38594.9 Hydro TOPWET "Topographic wetness index, ln(a/S); where ""ln"" is the natural log, ""a"" is the upslope area per unit contour length and ""S"" is the slope at that point. See and Wolock and McCabe, 1995 for more detail" WATERSHED Floating point ln(m) N/A Grid "TWI is computed as ln(a/S), where ""ln"" is the natural log, ""a"" is the upslope area per unit contour length and ""S"" is the slope at that point. A single flow direction algorithm was used to compute this version of theTWI (Wolock and McCabe, 1995);TWI values were derived from 1-km USGS digital elevation data." USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1995" N/A 7993210.0 Hydro CONTACT Subsurface flow contact time index. The subsurface contact time index estimates the number of days that infiltrated water resides in the saturated subsurface zone of the basin before discharging into the stream. WATERSHED Floating point days N/A Grid "The contact time index is computed as a function of basin topographic and soil characteristics. The base data layer is a 1-km resolution grid and is computed from STATSGO soil parameters (Wolock, 1997) and 3-arcsecond digital elevation data (USGS, 1993)." USGS 1-km grid "Wolock et al., 1989; Wolock, 1997" N/A 2881278.1 Hydro RUNAVE7100 "Estimated watershed annual runoff, mm/year, mean for the period 1971-2000. Estimation method integrated effects of climate, land use, water use, regulation, etc." WATERSHED Floating point mm/year 1971-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated from historical USGS streamflow data and hydrologic cataloging units in the conterminous U.S., following the appraoch of Krug and others (1989)." USGS 1-km grid "Krug et al., 1989" N/A 2643203.1 Hydro WB5100_JAN_MM "Estimated watershed January runoff, mm/month, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/month 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 250048.4 Hydro WB5100_FEB_MM "Estimated watershed February runoff, mm/month, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/month 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 268081.5 Hydro WB5100_MAR_MM "Estimated watershed March runoff, mm/month, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/month 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 335886.7 Hydro WB5100_APR_MM "Estimated watershed April runoff, mm/month, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/month 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 367539.2 Hydro WB5100_MAY_MM "Estimated watershed May runoff, mm/month, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/month 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 343195.2 Hydro WB5100_JUN_MM "Estimated watershed June runoff, mm/month, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/month 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 267351.6 Hydro WB5100_JUL_MM "Estimated watershed July runoff, mm/month, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/month 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 195268.4 Hydro WB5100_AUG_MM "Estimated watershed August runoff, mm/month, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/month 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 143923.5 Hydro WB5100_SEP_MM "Estimated watershed September runoff, mm/month, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/month 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 125991.8 Hydro WB5100_OCT_MM "Estimated watershed October runoff, mm/month, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/month 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 136125.8 Hydro WB5100_NOV_MM "Estimated watershed November runoff, mm/month, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/month 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 191578.6 Hydro WB5100_DEC_MM "Estimated watershed December runoff, mm/month, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/month 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 225511.1 Hydro WB5100_ANN_MM "Estimated watershed annual runoff, mm/year, mean for the period 1951-2000. From Wolock and McCabe (1999) water balance model. Estimates the effects of precip and temperature, but not other factors (land use, water use, regulation, etc.)" WATERSHED Floating point mm/year 1951-2000 Grid "The base data layer was estimated using a monthly time-step water-balance model (Wolock and McCabe, 1999). " USGS 1-km grid "Wolock and McCabe, 1999" N/A 2850501.7 Hydro PCT_1ST_ORDER Percent of stream lengths in the watershed which are first-order streams (Strahler order); from NHDPlus WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Vector line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 406493.8 Hydro PCT_2ND_ORDER Percent of stream lengths in the watershed which are second-order streams (Strahler order); from NHDPlus WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Vector line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 129551.1 Hydro PCT_3RD_ORDER Percent of stream lengths in the watershed which are third-order streams (Strahler order); from NHDPlus WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Vector line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 69202.3 Hydro PCT_4TH_ORDER Percent of stream lengths in the watershed which are fourth-order streams (Strahler order); from NHDPlus WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Vector line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 29927.3 Hydro PCT_5TH_ORDER Percent of stream lengths in the watershed which are fifth-order streams (Strahler order); from NHDPlus WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Vector line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 9291.1 Hydro PCT_6TH_ORDER_OR_MORE Percent of stream lenghts in the watershed which are sixth or greater-order streams (Strahler order); from NHDPlus WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Vector line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 3085.2 Hydro PCT_NO_ORDER "Percent of stream lengths in the watershed which do not have any streamorder in NHDPlus; these are typically canals, pipelines, and ditches." WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Vector line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 30949.1 HydroMod_Dams NDAMS_2006 "Number of dams in watershed, from 2006 download of National Inventory of Dams" WATERSHED Integer number of dams All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 214247.0 HydroMod_Dams DDENS_2006 Dam density; number per 100 km sq WATERSHED Floating point number of dams/100 sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 10658.0 HydroMod_Dams STOR_2006 "Dam storage in watershed; megaliters total storage per sq km (1 megaliters = 1,000,000 liters = 1,000 cubic meters)" WATERSHED Floating point megaliters/sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 852027.1 HydroMod_Dams MAJ_NDAMS_2006 "Number of ""major"" dams in watershed. Major dams defined as being > 50 feet in height (15m) or having storage > 5,000 acre feet (National Atlas definition)" WATERSHED Integer number of major dams All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point "Of the 78,612 dams in the NID dataset, 8,373 met this definition" NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 25584.0 HydroMod_Dams MAJ_DDENS_2006 Major dam density; number per 100 km sq WATERSHED Floating point number of major dams/100 sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point "Of the 78,612 dams in the NID dataset, 8,373 met this definition" NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 1688.6 HydroMod_Dams pre1940_NDAMS Number of dams in watershed before 1940 WATERSHED Integer number of dams All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 33970.0 HydroMod_Dams pre1950_NDAMS Number of dams in watershed before 1950 WATERSHED Integer number of dams All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 44224.0 HydroMod_Dams pre1960_NDAMS Number of dams in watershed before 1960 WATERSHED Integer number of dams All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 76160.0 HydroMod_Dams pre1970_NDAMS Number of dams in watershed before 1970 WATERSHED Integer number of dams All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point "About 10% of records did not have dates, but did have storage values, and some were large. To account for these (as opposed to just excluding them), they were given a date (for these calculations) of 1960s, which was the median decade of construction. Result, however, is there may a bit of an extra ""bump"" in the trend line here between 1960 and 1970." NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 154849.0 HydroMod_Dams pre1980_NDAMS Number of dams in watershed before 1980 WATERSHED Integer number of dams All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 190137.0 HydroMod_Dams pre1990_NDAMS Number of dams in watershed before 1990 WATERSHED Integer number of dams All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 204155.0 HydroMod_Dams pre1940_DDENS Dam density pre1940; number per 100 km sq WATERSHED Floating point number of dams/100 sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 2468.8 HydroMod_Dams pre1950_DDENS Dam density pre1950; number per 100 km sq WATERSHED Floating point number of dams/100 sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 2935.5 HydroMod_Dams pre1960_DDENS Dam density pre1960; number per 100 km sq WATERSHED Floating point number of dams/100 sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 4422.6 HydroMod_Dams pre1970_DDENS Dam density pre1970; number per 100 km sq WATERSHED Floating point number of dams/100 sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 7998.7 HydroMod_Dams pre1980_DDENS Dam density pre1980; number per 100 km sq WATERSHED Floating point number of dams/100 sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 9396.8 HydroMod_Dams pre1990_DDENS Dam density pre1990; number per 100 km sq WATERSHED Floating point number of dams/100 sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 10116.5 HydroMod_Dams pre1940_STOR Dam storage in watershed pre1940; megaliters total storage per sq km WATERSHED Floating point megaliters/sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 210766.7 HydroMod_Dams pre1950_STOR Dam storage in watershed pre1950; megaliters total storage per sq km WATERSHED Floating point megaliters/sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 268546.4 HydroMod_Dams pre1960_STOR Dam storage in watershed pre1960; megaliters total storage per sq km WATERSHED Floating point megaliters/sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 397404.9 HydroMod_Dams pre1970_STOR Dam storage in watershed pre1970; megaliters total storage per sq km WATERSHED Floating point megaliters/sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 627120.1 HydroMod_Dams pre1980_STOR Dam storage in watershed pre1980; megaliters total storage per sq km WATERSHED Floating point megaliters/sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 752376.3 HydroMod_Dams pre1990_STOR Dam storage in watershed pre1990; megaliters total storage per sq km WATERSHED Floating point megaliters/sq km All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point N/A NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 823933.3 HydroMod_Dams RAW_DIS_NEAREST_DAM Raw straightline distance (meters) of gage location to nearest dam in watershed. WATERSHED Integer meters All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point No dam in basin here given value of -999 (because of the potential of a dam having a correctly calculated value of 0; i.e. if dam and sampling site co-located). NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 51873437.0 HydroMod_Dams RAW_AVG_DIS_ALLDAMS Raw average straightline distance (meters) of gage location to all dams in watershed. WATERSHED Integer meters All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point No dam in basin here given value of -999 (because of the potential of a dam having a correctly calculated value of 0; i.e. if dam and sampling site co-located). NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 189421889.9 HydroMod_Dams RAW_DIS_NEAREST_MAJ_DAM Raw straightline distance (meters) of gage location to nearest major dam in watershed. WATERSHED Integer meters All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point No dam in basin here given value of -999 (because of the potential of a dam having a correctly calculated value of 0; i.e. if dam and sampling site co-located). NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 69058062.3 HydroMod_Dams RAW_AVG_DIS_ALL_MAJ_DAMS Raw average straightline distance (meters) of gage location to all major dams in watershed. WATERSHED Integer meters All dams data from National Inventory of Dams (NID); downloaded summer 2006; data currency vary Vector point No dam in basin here given value of -999 (because of the potential of a dam having a correctly calculated value of 0; i.e. if dam and sampling site co-located). NID (public data may now (2009) be restricted) "1:100,000" "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2006" 146363034.1 HydroMod_Other CANALS_PCT "Percent of stream kilometers coded as ""Canal"", ""Ditch"", or ""Pipeline"" in NHDPlus" WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Vector line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 18507.9 HydroMod_Other ARTIFPATH_PCT "Percent of stream kilometers coded as ""Artificial Path"" in NHDPlus. Note this does not necessarily mean the stream is modified, only that it is wide enough to be represented as a polygon rather than a line. In some cases this is indicative of damming." WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Vector line "These are lengths of streams that flow through water bodies, a possible indication of hydro-modification to the extent that many water bodies are manmade." NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 26480.9 HydroMod_Other NPDES_MAJ_DENS "Density of NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) ""major"" point locations in watershed; number per 100 km sq" WATERSHED Floating point number of sites/100 sq km NPDES point locations downloaded summer 2006 Vector point About 2/3 of major NPDES locations are coded Sewerage Systems. Major locations are defined by an EPA-assigned major flag. From download of NPDES national database summer 2006 by Rick Jodoin USEPA NPDES "1:100,000" "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2006b" 604.4 HydroMod_Other RAW_DIS_NEAREST_CANAL Raw straightline distance (meters) of gage location to nearest canal/ditch/pipeline in watershed. WATERSHED Integer meters N/A Vector point/line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 47855767.5 HydroMod_Other RAW_AVG_DIS_ALLCANALS "Raw average straightline distance (meters) of gage location to all canal/ditch/pipeline ""points"" in watershed. " WATERSHED Integer meters N/A Vector point/line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 110962075.8 HydroMod_Other RAW_DIS_NEAREST_MAJ_NPDES "Raw straightline distance (meters) of gage location to nearest ""major"" NPDES point in watershed. " WATERSHED Integer meters NPDES point locations downloaded summer 2006 Vector point About 2/3 of major NPDES locations are coded Sewerage Systems. Major locations are defined by an EPA-assigned major flag. From download of NPDES national database summer 2006 by Rick Jodoin USEPA NPDES "1:100,000" "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2006b" 55024129.9 HydroMod_Other RAW_AVG_DIS_ALL_MAJ_NPDES "Raw average straightline distance (meters) of gage location to all ""major"" NPDES points in watershed. " WATERSHED Integer meters NPDES point locations downloaded summer 2006 Vector point About 2/3 of major NPDES locations are coded Sewerage Systems. Major locations are defined by an EPA-assigned major flag. From download of NPDES national database summer 2006 by Rick Jodoin USEPA NPDES "1:100,000" "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2006b" 100786561.6 HydroMod_Other CANALS_MAINSTEM_PCT "Percent of mainstem stream(s) coded as ""Canal"", ""Ditch"", or ""Pipeline"" in NHDPlus" MAINSTEM Floating point percent N/A Vector line N/A NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 3388.8 HydroMod_Other ARTIFPATH_MAINSTEM_PCT "Percent of mainstem stream(s) coded as ""Artificial Path"" in NHDPlus. Note this does not necessarily mean the stream is modified, only that it is wide enough to be represented as a polygon rather than a line. In some cases this is indicative of damming." MAINSTEM Floating point percent N/A Vector line "These are lengths of streams that flow through water bodies, a possible indication of hydro-modification to the extent that many water bodies are manmade." NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 78816.5 HydroMod_Other PCT_OW_SQRT_ORDER "Percent Open Water land cover in the mainstem 800m buffer, divided by the square root of the Strahler stream order" MAINSTEM Floating point percent N/A Grid "More open water = greater likelihood of dam/other flow modification, particularly for smaller streams. Potentially catches dams missing from NID data." NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" 10900.4 HydroMod_Other FRESHW_WITHDRAWAL "Freshwater withdrawal cubic meters per year per sqkm, from 1995-2000 county-level estimates" WATERSHED Floating point percent 1995-2000 Grid N/A USGS county-level "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008g" 492974547.1 Infrastructure ROADS_KM_SQ_KM "Road density, km of roads per watershed sq km, from Census 2000 TIGER roads" WATERSHED Floating point km/sq km 2000 Vector line N/A "Census, repackaged by GeoLytics" "1:100,000" "GeoLytics, 2001" 11131.1 Infrastructure NLCD01_IMPERV_PCT Percent impervious surfaces from 30-m resolution NLCD01 data WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid N/A USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 15127.1 Landscape_Pat FRAGUN_WATERSHED "Fragmentation Index of ""undeveloped"" land in the watershed. High numbers = more fragmented natural land cover. Numbers = 1 - % undeveloped pixels completely surrounded by other undeveloped pixels. Undeveloped land = all non-urban, non-agriculture classes." WATERSHED Floating point unitless 2000-2002 Grid "Based on Riitters et al (2000) method, using 3x3 processing window. Number given here is: (1 - percent ""interior"" pixels); i.e.all pixels in basin which are neither disturbed nor fragmented. Definition of ""undeveloped"" land = all land which is not urban nor agriculture, from NLCD01 data" USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "Riitters et al., 2000; U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 269954.3 LC01_Basin BAS01_URBAN "Watershed percent ""urban"", 2001 era. Sum of BASIN01_21, 22, 23, and 24" WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 58382.0 LC01_Basin BAS01_FOREST "Watershed percent ""forest"", 2001 era. Sum of BASIN01_41, 42, and 43" WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 290996.8 LC01_Basin BAS01_AG "Watershed percent ""agriculture"", 2001 era. Sum of BASIN01_81 and 82" WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 140318.9 LC01_Basin BASIN01_11 Watershed percent Open Water WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 7914.5 LC01_Basin BASIN01_12 Watershed percent Perennial Ice/Snow WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 1104.6 LC01_Basin BASIN01_21 "Watershed percent Developed, Open Space" WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 30671.1 LC01_Basin BASIN01_22 "Watershed percent Developed, Low Intensity" WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 17266.0 LC01_Basin BASIN01_23 "Watershed percent Developed, Medium Intensity" WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 7833.6 LC01_Basin BASIN01_24 "Watershed percent Developed, High Intensity" WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 2611.3 LC01_Basin BASIN01_31 Watershed percent Natural Barren WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 7774.3 LC01_Basin BASIN01_41 Watershed percent Deciduous Forest WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 127768.3 LC01_Basin BASIN01_42 Watershed percent Evergreen Forest WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 139773.4 LC01_Basin BASIN01_43 Watershed percent Mixed Forest WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 23455.1 LC01_Basin BASIN01_52 Watershed percent Shrubland WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 81530.7 LC01_Basin BASIN01_71 Watershed percent Herbaceous (grassland) WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 65469.7 LC01_Basin BASIN01_81 Watershed percent Pasture/Hay WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 55469.0 LC01_Basin BASIN01_82 Watershed percent Cultivated Crops WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 84849.9 LC01_Basin BASIN01_90 Watershed percent Woody Wetlands WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 21146.6 LC01_Basin BASIN01_95 Watershed percent Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands WATERSHED Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 3854.1 LC_Change92_01 NC_WATER "NLCD ""Change Product"": No Change: estimated percent of watershed which was Water in both 1992 and 2001" WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 7246.1 LC_Change92_01 NC_URBAN "NLCD ""Change Product"": No Change: estimated percent of watershed which was Urban in both 1992 and 2001" WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 55419.7 LC_Change92_01 NC_BARREN "NLCD ""Change Product"": No Change: estimated percent of watershed which was Barren in both 1992 and 2001" WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 7149.2 LC_Change92_01 NC_FOREST "NLCD ""Change Product"": No Change: estimated percent of watershed which was Forest in both 1992 and 2001" WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 287632.5 LC_Change92_01 NC_GRASSLAND "NLCD ""Change Product"": No Change: estimated percent of watershed which was Grassland/shrub in both 1992 and 2001" WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 140072.3 LC_Change92_01 NC_AGRIC "NLCD ""Change Product"": No Change: estimated percent of watershed which was Agriculture in both 1992 and 2001" WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 136464.0 LC_Change92_01 NC_WETLAND "NLCD ""Change Product"": No Change: estimated percent of watershed which was Wetland in both 1992 and 2001" WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 23570.6 LC_Change92_01 NC_ICESNOW "NLCD ""Change Product"": No Change: estimated percent of watershed which was perennial Ice/Snow in both 1992 and 2001" WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 722.5 LC_Change92_01 CHANGE_PCT Sum of all changes between 1992 and 2001 (sum of all 56 categories which follow this) WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 20223.0 LC_Change92_01 WA_URBAN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Water to Urban between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 14.7 LC_Change92_01 WA_BARRE Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Water to Barren between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 21.4 LC_Change92_01 WA_FORES Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Water to Forest between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 25.6 LC_Change92_01 WA_GRASH Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Water to Grassland/Shrubland between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 84.1 LC_Change92_01 WA_AGRIC Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Water to Agriculture between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 47.2 LC_Change92_01 WA_WETLA Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Water to Wetlands between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 105.6 LC_Change92_01 WA_ICESN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Water to Ice/Snow between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 1.2 LC_Change92_01 UR_WATER Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Urban to Water between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 36.9 LC_Change92_01 UR_BARRE Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Urban to Barren between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 6.4 LC_Change92_01 UR_FORES Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Urban to Forest between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 69.6 LC_Change92_01 UR_GRASH Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Urban to Grassland/Shrubland between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 33.1 LC_Change92_01 UR_AGRIC Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Urban to Agriculture between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 150.1 LC_Change92_01 UR_WETLA Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Urban to Wetlands between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 34.8 LC_Change92_01 UR_ICESN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Urban to Ice/Snow between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 0.0 LC_Change92_01 BA_WATER Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Barren to Water between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 22.9 LC_Change92_01 BA_URBAN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Barren to Urban between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 10.4 LC_Change92_01 BA_FORES Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Barren to Forest between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 25.1 LC_Change92_01 BA_GRASH Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Barren to Grassland/Shrubland between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 39.0 LC_Change92_01 BA_AGRIC Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Barren to Agriculture between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 17.7 LC_Change92_01 BA_WETLA Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Barren to Wetlands between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 10.5 LC_Change92_01 BA_ICESN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Barren to Ice/Snow between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 16.5 LC_Change92_01 FO_WATER Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Forest to Water between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 95.7 LC_Change92_01 FO_URBAN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Forest to Urban between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 1310.8 LC_Change92_01 FO_BARRE Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Forest to Barren between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 363.2 LC_Change92_01 FO_GRASH Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Forest to Grassland/Shrubland between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 5461.5 LC_Change92_01 FO_AGRIC Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Forest to Agriculture between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 2495.6 LC_Change92_01 FO_WETLA Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Forest to Wetlands between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 444.3 LC_Change92_01 FO_ICESN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Forest to Ice/Snow between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 13.2 LC_Change92_01 GR_WATER Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Grassland/Shrubland to Water between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 155.4 LC_Change92_01 GR_URBAN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Grassland/Shrubland to Urban between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 323.5 LC_Change92_01 GR_BARRE Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Grassland/Shrubland to Barren between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 132.2 LC_Change92_01 GR_FORES Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Grassland/Shrubland to Forest between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 1526.5 LC_Change92_01 GR_AGRIC Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Grassland/Shrubland to Agriculture between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 1101.3 LC_Change92_01 GR_WETLA Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Grassland/Shrubland to Wetlands between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 228.6 LC_Change92_01 GR_ICESN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Grassland/Shrubland to Ice/Snow between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 362.6 LC_Change92_01 AG_WATER Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Agriculture to Water between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 332.8 LC_Change92_01 AG_URBAN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Agriculture to Urban between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 1169.9 LC_Change92_01 AG_BARRE Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Agriculture to Barren between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 75.8 LC_Change92_01 AG_FORES Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Agriculture to Forest between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 1612.6 LC_Change92_01 AG_GRASH Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Agriculture to Grassland/Shrubland between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 1119.0 LC_Change92_01 AG_WETLA Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Agriculture to Wetlands between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 520.2 LC_Change92_01 AG_ICESN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Agriculture to Ice/Snow between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 0.7 LC_Change92_01 WE_WATER Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Wetlands to Water between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 75.4 LC_Change92_01 WE_URBAN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Wetlands to Urban between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 82.0 LC_Change92_01 WE_BARRE Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Wetlands to Barren between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 18.9 LC_Change92_01 WE_FORES Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Wetlands to Forest between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 108.3 LC_Change92_01 WE_GRASH Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Wetlands to Grassland/Shrubland between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 149.1 LC_Change92_01 WE_AGRIC Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Wetlands to Agriculture between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 126.0 LC_Change92_01 WE_ICESN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Wetlands to Ice/Snow between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 0.1 LC_Change92_01 IC_WATER Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Ice/Snow to Water between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 0.2 LC_Change92_01 IC_URBAN Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Ice/Snow to Urban between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 0.0 LC_Change92_01 IC_BARRE Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Ice/Snow to Barren between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 9.5 LC_Change92_01 IC_FORES Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Ice/Snow to Forest between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 3.9 LC_Change92_01 IC_GRASH Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Ice/Snow to Grassland/Shrubland between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 23.5 LC_Change92_01 IC_AGRIC Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Ice/Snow to Agriculture between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 0.0 LC_Change92_01 IC_WETLA Change Product: percent of watershed changing from Ice/Snow to Wetlands between 1992 and 2001 WATERSHED Floating point percent early 1990s to early 2000s Grid N/A USGS NLCD Change Product 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 0.0 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_URBAN "Mainstem 100m buffer ""urban"", 2001 era. Sum of MAINS100_21, 22, 23, and 24. Buffer is the area 100m each side of stream centerline" MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 61146.5 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_FOREST "Mainstem 100m buffer ""forest"", 2001 era. Sum of MAINS100_41, 42, and 43" MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 238188.1 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_AG "Mainstem 100m buffer ""agriculture"", 2001 era. Sum of MAINS100_81 and 82" MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 99554.1 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_11 Mainstem 100m buffer percent Open Water MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 50770.7 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_12 Mainstem 100m buffer percent Perennial Ice/Snow MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 408.4 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_21 "Mainstem 100m buffer percent Developed, Open Space" MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 35648.1 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_22 "Mainstem 100m buffer percent Developed, Low Intensity" MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 16193.5 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_23 "Mainstem 100m buffer percent Developed, Medium Intensity" MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 7294.2 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_24 "Mainstem 100m buffer percent Developed, High Intensity" MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 2010.6 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_31 Mainstem 100m buffer percent Natural Barren MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 4759.2 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_41 Mainstem 100m buffer percent Deciduous Forest MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 112981.5 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_42 Mainstem 100m buffer percent Evergreen Forest MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 105057.4 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_43 Mainstem 100m buffer percent Mixed Forest MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 20149.1 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_52 Mainstem 100m buffer percent Shrubland MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 70649.7 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_71 Mainstem 100m buffer percent Herbaceous (grassland) MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 52007.1 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_81 Mainstem 100m buffer percent Pasture/Hay MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 46073.1 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_82 Mainstem 100m buffer percent Cultivated Crops MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 53481.0 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_90 Mainstem 100m buffer percent Woody Wetlands MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 87209.6 LC01_Mains100 MAINS100_95 Mainstem 100m buffer percent Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands MAINSTEM 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 13806.7 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_URBAN "Mainstem 800m buffer ""urban"", 2001 era. Sum of MAINS800_21, 22, 23, and 24. Buffer is the area 800m each side of stream centerline" MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 65828.1 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_FOREST "Mainstem 800m buffer ""forest"", 2001 era. Sum of MAINS800_41, 42, and 43" MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 262623.1 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_AG "Mainstem 800m buffer ""agriculture"", 2001 era. Sum of MAINS800_81 and 82" MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 130431.1 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_11 Mainstem 800m buffer percent Open Water MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 23547.5 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_12 Mainstem 800m buffer percent Perennial Ice/Snow MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 444.2 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_21 "Mainstem 800m buffer percent Developed, Open Space" MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 33899.5 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_22 "Mainstem 800m buffer percent Developed, Low Intensity" MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 19627.0 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_23 "Mainstem 800m buffer percent Developed, Medium Intensity" MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 9323.0 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_24 "Mainstem 800m buffer percent Developed, High Intensity" MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 2978.5 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_31 Mainstem 800m buffer percent Natural Barren MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 5338.0 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_41 Mainstem 800m buffer percent Deciduous Forest MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 118248.3 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_42 Mainstem 800m buffer percent Evergreen Forest MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 121987.8 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_43 Mainstem 800m buffer percent Mixed Forest MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 22387.0 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_52 Mainstem 800m buffer percent Shrubland MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 79338.9 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_71 Mainstem 800m buffer percent Herbaceous (grassland) MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 61023.8 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_81 Mainstem 800m buffer percent Pasture/Hay MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 56317.6 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_82 Mainstem 800m buffer percent Cultivated Crops MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 74113.5 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_90 Mainstem 800m buffer percent Woody Wetlands MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 42479.6 LC01_Mains800 MAINS800_95 Mainstem 800m buffer percent Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands MAINSTEM 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 7445.3 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_URBAN "Riparian 100m buffer ""urban"", 2001 era. Sum of RIP100_21, 22, 23, and 24. Buffer is the area 100m each side of stream centerline, for all streams in watershed" RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 52978.3 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_FOREST "Riparian 100m buffer ""forest"", 2001 era. Sum of RIP100_41, 42, and 43" RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 287321.1 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_AG "Riparian 100m buffer ""agriculture"", 2001 era. Sum of RIP100_81 and 82" RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 119631.8 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_11 Riparian 100m buffer percent Open Water RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 17560.7 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_12 Riparian 100m buffer percent Perennial Ice/Snow RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 575.0 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_21 "Riparian 100m buffer percent Developed, Open Space" RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 31919.5 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_22 "Riparian 100m buffer percent Developed, Low Intensity" RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 13679.3 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_23 "Riparian 100m buffer percent Developed, Medium Intensity" RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 5769.5 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_24 "Riparian 100m buffer percent Developed, High Intensity" RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 1610.1 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_31 Riparian 100m buffer percent Natural Barren RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 3973.8 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_41 Riparian 100m buffer percent Deciduous Forest RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 128139.7 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_42 Riparian 100m buffer percent Evergreen Forest RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 134214.2 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_43 Riparian 100m buffer percent Mixed Forest RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 24967.2 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_52 Riparian 100m buffer percent Shrubland RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 78471.2 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_71 Riparian 100m buffer percent Herbaceous (grassland) RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 63215.0 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_81 Riparian 100m buffer percent Pasture/Hay RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 52005.9 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_82 Riparian 100m buffer percent Cultivated Crops RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 67625.9 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_90 Riparian 100m buffer percent Woody Wetlands RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 47107.9 LC01_Rip100 RIP100_95 Riparian 100m buffer percent Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands RIPARIAN 100-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 7659.8 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_URBAN "Riparian 800m buffer ""urban"", 2001 era. Sum of RIP800_21, 22, 23, and 24. Buffer is the area 800m each side of stream centerline, for all streams in watershed" RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 56590.4 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_FOREST "Riparian 800m buffer ""forest"", 2001 era. Sum of RIP800_41, 42, and 43" RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 291657.5 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_AG "Riparian 800m buffer ""agriculture"", 2001 era. Sum of RIP800_81 and 82" RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid These are sums of Level II classes. USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 138670.6 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_11 Riparian 800m buffer percent Open Water RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 8977.2 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_12 Riparian 800m buffer percent Perennial Ice/Snow RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 762.6 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_21 "Riparian 800m buffer percent Developed, Open Space" RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 30456.4 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_22 "Riparian 800m buffer percent Developed, Low Intensity" RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 16488.8 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_23 "Riparian 800m buffer percent Developed, Medium Intensity" RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 7326.6 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_24 "Riparian 800m buffer percent Developed, High Intensity" RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 2318.7 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_31 Riparian 800m buffer percent Natural Barren RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 6419.4 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_41 Riparian 800m buffer percent Deciduous Forest RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 127330.5 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_42 Riparian 800m buffer percent Evergreen Forest RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 140551.5 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_43 Riparian 800m buffer percent Mixed Forest RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 23775.6 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_52 Riparian 800m buffer percent Shrubland RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 82055.8 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_71 Riparian 800m buffer percent Herbaceous (grassland) RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 65139.2 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_81 Riparian 800m buffer percent Pasture/Hay RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 56472.8 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_82 Riparian 800m buffer percent Cultivated Crops RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 82197.8 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_90 Riparian 800m buffer percent Woody Wetlands RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 23966.5 LC01_Rip800 RIP800_95 Riparian 800m buffer percent Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands RIPARIAN 800-M Floating point percent 2000-2002 Grid see for all NLCD01 land cover class definitions USGS NLCD01 30-m grid "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008d" 4254.7 Nutrient_App NITR_APP_KG_SQKM "Estimate of nitrogen from fertilizer and manure, from Census of Ag 1997 and AAPFCO, based on county-wide sales and percent agricultural land cover in watershed, kg/sq km" WATERSHED Floating point kg/sq km 1997 Grid NB: based on county-level data. Grids from Kerie Hitt: 1km national grids from fertilizer and manure summed USGS NAWQA 1-km grid "Ruddy et al., 2006; AAPFCO, 2009" see 13771387.0 Nutrient_App PHOS_APP_KG_SQKM "Estimate of phosphorus from fertilizer and manure, from Census of Ag 1997 and AAPFCO, based on county-wide sales and percent agricultural land cover in watershed, kg/sq km" WATERSHED Floating point kg/sq km 1997 Grid NB: based on county-level data. Grids from Kerie Hitt: 1km national grids from fertilizer and manure summed USGS NAWQA 1-km grid "Ruddy et al., 2006; AAPFCO, 2009" see 2954452.5 Pest_App PESTAPP_KG_SQKM "Estimate of agricultural pesticide application (219 types), kg/sq km, from Census of Ag 1997, based on county-wide sales and percent agricultural land cover in watershed" WATERSHED Floating point kg/sq km 1997 Grid NB: based on county-level data. Grids from Naomi Nakagaki: 219 1km grids summed USGS NAWQA 1-km grid "Nakagaki and Wolock, 2005" 312255.8 Prot_Areas PADCAT1_PCT_BASIN "Percent watershed in Protected Areas Database (PAD) Category 1: ""most protected lands"": Areas managed to maintain a natural state and within which natural disturbance events are allowed to proceed without interference. primarily: National Park, National Monument, Wilderness Area, Nature Reserve/Preserve, Research Natural Area" WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid From January 2006 download (version 4) of the Conservation Biology Institute's Protected Area Database (PAD). Original data were in polygon form; subsequently regridded to 100-m Conservation Biology Institute "Conservation Biology Institute, 2006" 33074.6 Prot_Areas PADCAT2_PCT_BASIN "Percent watershed in Protected Areas Database (PAD) Category 2: (somewhat less protected than Cat 1). Areas generally managed for natural values, but which may receive uses that degrade the quality of existing natural communities. primarily: State Parks, State Recreation Areas, National Wildlife Refuge, National Recreation Area, Area of Critical Environmental Concern, Wilderness Study Area, Conservation Easement, Private Conservation Land, National Seashore" WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid From January 2006 download (version 4) of the Conservation Biology Institute's Protected Area Database (PAD). Original data were in polygon form; subsequently regridded to 100-m Conservation Biology Institute "Conservation Biology Institute, 2006" 29128.1 Prot_Areas PADCAT3_PCT_BASIN "Percent watershed in Protected Areas Database (PAD) Category 3: (less protected than Cat 2). Areas for which permanent land cover conversions from natural or semi-natural habitats to anthropogenic habitats are generally not permitted, but which may be subject to intensive uses such as commercial forestry. primarily: BLM Holdings, Military Reservations, National Forests, State Forest, Wildlife Management Areas, Game and Fish Preserves, Fish Hatcheries, State Commemorative Area, Access Area, National Grassland, ACOE Holding" WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid From January 2006 download (version 4) of the Conservation Biology Institute's Protected Area Database (PAD). Original data were in polygon form; subsequently regridded to 100-m Conservation Biology Institute "Conservation Biology Institute, 2006" 134230.1 Reach REACHCODE "Reach code from NHDPlus. May be used to join with the NHDPlus file NHDReachCode_Comid.dbf, which can in turn be joined via Comid to the particular stream reach in NHDPlus." REACH Character N/A N/A Join Values of NoData indicate no gage was available in NHDPlus to join with NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" N/A Reach REACH_FTYPE "NHDPlus reach type: coding of the stream at the gage location: StreamRiver, CanalDitch, Pipeline, Connector, ArtificialPath. See NHDPlus documentation for full description." REACH Character N/A N/A Join Values of NoData indicate no gage was available in NHDPlus to join with NHDPlus "1:100,000" "Horizon Systems Corporation, 2008" N/A Regions ECO3_SITE Level III ecoregion at the gage location. SITE Character N/A N/A Vector point From June 2006 download of EPA ecoregions USEPA Ecoregions "1:7,500,000" "Omernik, 1987" 285953.0 Regions HLR100M_SITE Hydrologic Landscape Region (HLR) at the gage location. SITE Integer HLR region (1-20) N/A Vector point "HLRs are aggregates of watersheds that have been grouped according to their similarities in land-surface from, geologic texture, and climate characteristics. Hydrologic landscapes (Winter, 2001) in the same region are expected to be more similar to each other compared to hydrologic landscapes in different regions. Based on Wolock 20 classes, 100-m resolution version. No Data values = -9999. These were areas of ""water"" in the original STATSGO coverage used by Wolock in processing, which translated to No Data in the resultant grid." USGS NAWQA 100-m grid "Winter, 2001; Wolock, 2003d" see; however note that these data are derived from an unpublished 100-m version of the HLRs -1419077.0 Regions HUC8_SITE HUC 8 at the gage location SITE Character N/A N/A Vector point N/A USGS "1:250,000" "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008f" N/A Regions USDA_LRR_SITE USDA Land Resource Region (LRR) code at the gage location SITE Character N/A N/A Vector point N/A USDA NRCS "1:7,500,000" "Soil Survey Staff, 1981" N/A Regions USDA_LRR_SITE_NAME Name of the LRR at the gage location SITE Character N/A N/A Vector point N/A USDA NRCS "1:7,500,000" "Soil Survey Staff, 1981" N/A Regions NUTR_ECO_SITE Nutrient ecoregion at the gage location. SITE Integer Nutrient ecoregion (1-14) N/A Vector point N/A USEPA "1:7,500,000" "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1998" 43239.0 Regions NUTR_ECO_SITE_NAME Name of the nutrient ecoregion at the gage location SITE Character N/A N/A Vector point N/A USEPA "1:7,500,000" "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1998" N/A Regions ECO2_BAS_DOM Dominant (highest % of area) Level II ecoregion within the watershed. WATERSHED Character N/A N/A Vector polygon From June 2006 download of EPA ecoregions USEPA "1:7,500,000" "Omernik, 1987" 54396.4 Regions ECO2_BAS_DOM_NAME Name of the dominant Level II ecoregion WATERSHED Character N/A N/A Vector polygon From June 2006 download of EPA ecoregions USEPA "1:7,500,000" "Omernik, 1987" N/A Regions ECO3_BAS_DOM Dominant (highest % of area) Level III ecoregion within the watershed. WATERSHED Integer Level III ecoregion (1-84) N/A Vector polygon From June 2006 download of EPA ecoregions USEPA "1:7,500,000" "Omernik, 1987" N/A Regions ECO3_BAS_PCT Percentage of the watershed covered by the dominant Level III ecoregion. WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Vector polygon From June 2006 download of EPA ecoregions USEPA "1:7,500,000" "Omernik, 1987" 608695.3 Regions ECO3_BAS_DOM_NAME Name of the dominant Level III ecoregion WATERSHED Character N/A N/A Vector polygon From June 2006 download of EPA ecoregions USEPA "1:7,500,000" "Omernik, 1987" N/A Regions NUTR_BAS_DOM Dominant (highest % of area) nutrient ecoregion within the watershed. WATERSHED Integer Nutrient ecoregion (1-14) N/A Vector polygon N/A USEPA "1:7,500,000" "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1998" 42151.0 Regions NUTR_BAS_PCT Percentage of the watershed covered by the dominant nutrient ecoregion. WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Vector polygon N/A USEPA "1:7,500,000" "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1998" 629717.9 Regions HLR_BAS_DOM_100M Dominant (highest % of area) Hydrologic Landscape Region within the watershed. WATERSHED Integer HLR region (1-20) N/A Vector polygon "HLRs are aggregates of watersheds that have been grouped according to their similarities in land-surface from, geologic texture, and climate characteristics. Hydrologic landscapes (Winter, 2001) in the same region are expected to be more similar to each other compared to hydrologic landscapes in different regions. Based on Wolock 20 classes, 100-m resolution version." USGS NAWQA 100-m grid "Winter, 2001; Wolock, 2003d" see; however note that these data are derived from an unpublished 100-m version of the HLRs 81224.0 Regions HLR_BAS_PCT_100M Percentage of the watershed covered by the dominant Hydrologic Landscape Region. WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Vector polygon "HLRs are aggregates of watersheds that have been grouped according to their similarities in land-surface from, geologic texture, and climate characteristics. Hydrologic landscapes (Winter, 2001) in the same region are expected to be more similar to each other compared to hydrologic landscapes in different regions. Based on Wolock 20 classes, 100-m resolution version." USGS NAWQA 100-m grid "Winter, 2001; Wolock, 2003d" see; however note that these data are derived from an unpublished 100-m version of the HLRs 450134.3 Soils HGA "Percentage of soils in hydrologic group A. Hydrologic group A soils have high infiltration rates. Soils are deep and well drained and, typically, have high sand and gravel content." WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 40863.2 Soils HGB "Percentage of soils in hydrologic group B. Hydrologic group B soils have moderate infiltration rates. Soils are moderately deep, moderately well drained, and moderately coarse in texture." WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 266459.9 Soils HGC "Percentage of soils in hydrologic group C. Hydrologic group C soils have slow soil inflitration rates. The soil profiles include layers impeding downward movement of water and, typically, have moderately fine or fine texture." WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 197204.6 Soils HGD "Percentage of soils in hydrologic group D. Hydrologic group D soils have very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a high water table, or have a shallow impervious layer." WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 134022.8 Soils HGAD Percentage of soils in hydrologic group A/D. Hydrologic group A/D soils have group A characteristics (high infiltration rates) when artificially drained and have group D characteristics (very slow infiltration rates) when not drained. WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 6383.1 Soils HGBD Percentage of soils in hydrologic group B/D. Hydrologic group B/D soils have group B characteristics (moderate infiltration rates) when artificially drained and have group D characteristics (very slow infiltration rates) when not drained. WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 24469.4 Soils HGCD Percentage of soils in hydrologic group C/D. Hydrologic group C/D soils have group C characteristics (slow infiltration rates) when artificially drained and have group D characteristics (very slow infiltration rates) when not drained. WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 8975.4 Soils HGAC Percentage of soils in hydrologic group A/C. Hydrologic group A/C soils have group A characteristics (high infiltration rates) when artificially drained and have group C characteristics (slow infiltration rates) when not drained. WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 1.8 Soils HGBC Percentage of soils in hydrologic group B/C. Hydrologic group B/C soils have group B characteristics (moderate infiltration rates) when artificially drained and have group C characteristics (slow infiltration rates) when not drained. WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 53.9 Soils HGVAR Percentage of soils in hydrologic group VAR. Hydrologic group VAR soils have variable drainage characteristics. WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 65.8 Soils PERMAVE Average permeability (inches/hour) WATERSHED Floating point inches/hour N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 21104.8 Soils AWCAVE Average value for the range of available water capacity for the soil layer or horizon (inches of water per inches of soil depth) WATERSHED Floating point unitless (fraction inches of water per inches of soil depth) N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 879.4 Soils BDAVE Average value of bulk density (grams per cubic centimeter) WATERSHED Floating point grams per cubic centimeter N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 9495.9 Soils OMAVE Average value of organic matter content (percent by weight) WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 10739.7 Soils WTDEPAVE Average value of depth to seasonally high water table (feet) WATERSHED Floating point feet N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 32733.6 Soils ROCKDEPAVE Average value of total soil thickness examined (inches) WATERSHED Floating point inches N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 338191.7 Soils NO4AVE Average value of percent by weight of soil material less than 3 inches in size and passing a No. 4 sieve (5 mm) WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 558463.8 Soils NO200AVE Average value of percent by weight of soil material less than 3 inches in size and passing a No. 200 sieve (.074 mm) WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 343473.3 Soils NO10AVE Average value of percent by weight of soil material less than 3 inches in size and passing a No. 10 sieve (2 mm) WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 525351.9 Soils CLAYAVE Average value of clay content (percentage) WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 151626.5 Soils SILTAVE Average value of silt content (percentage) WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 285889.7 Soils SANDAVE Average value of sand content (percentage) WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 240983.9 Soils KFACT_UP Average K-factor value for the uppermost soil horizon in each soil component. K-factor is an erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. The K-factor is used in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) to estimate soil loss by water. Higher values of K-factor indicate greater potential for erosion WATERSHED Floating point unitless N/A Grid "Each STATSGO mapping unit contains multiple soil components, and each component can have multiple soil layers. The average value for each mapping unit is a weighted average based on soil layer thickness and component area." USGS NAWQA "The base data layer is built on the STATSGO mapping units, the average size of which is about 750 sq km" "Wolock, 1997" 1705.7 Soils RFACT "Rainfall and Runoff factor (""R factor"" of Universal Soil Loss Equation); average annual value for period 1971-2000" WATERSHED Floating point 100s ft-tonf/h/ac/yr 1971-2000 Grid R factor data source from PRISM PRISM 4-km grid "PRISM Group, 2008" see for data and metadata 1032359.3 Topo ELEV_MEAN_M_BASIN Mean watershed elevation (meters) from 100m National Elevation Dataset WATERSHED Floating point meters N/A Grid "Original source of elevation data were 30-m tiles of USGS NED data assembled by Roland Viger and Curtis Price of the USGS in the early 2000 period. Because of size and processing constraints, those tiles were merged and resampled (bilinear) to 100-m to make a national grid. Parameters are: projection Albers Equal Area, Datum NAD83, Spheroid GRS1980, 29:30, 45:30, -96:00, 23:00, 0, 0." USGS 100-m grid (resampled from 30-m) "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008h" 5745376.7 Topo ELEV_MAX_M_BASIN Maximum watershed elevation (meters) from 100m National Elevation Dataset WATERSHED Integer meters N/A Grid "Original source of elevation data were 30-m tiles of USGS NED data assembled by Roland Viger and Curtis Price of the USGS in the early 2000 period. Because of size and processing constraints, those tiles were merged and resampled (bilinear) to 100-m to make a national grid. Parameters are: projection Albers Equal Area, Datum NAD83, Spheroid GRS1980, 29:30, 45:30, -96:00, 23:00, 0, 0." USGS 100-m grid (resampled from 30-m) "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008h" 9194489.0 Topo ELEV_MIN_M_BASIN Minimum watershed elevation (meters) from 100m National Elevation Dataset (may include sinks) WATERSHED Integer meters N/A Grid "Original source of elevation data were 30-m tiles of USGS NED data assembled by Roland Viger and Curtis Price of the USGS in the early 2000 period. Because of size and processing constraints, those tiles were merged and resampled (bilinear) to 100-m to make a national grid. Parameters are: projection Albers Equal Area, Datum NAD83, Spheroid GRS1980, 29:30, 45:30, -96:00, 23:00, 0, 0." USGS 100-m grid (resampled from 30-m) "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008h" 3698839.0 Topo ELEV_MEDIAN_M_BASIN Median watershed elevation (meters) from 100m National Elevation Dataset WATERSHED Integer meters N/A Grid "Original source of elevation data were 30-m tiles of USGS NED data assembled by Roland Viger and Curtis Price of the USGS in the early 2000 period. Because of size and processing constraints, those tiles were merged and resampled (bilinear) to 100-m to make a national grid. Parameters are: projection Albers Equal Area, Datum NAD83, Spheroid GRS1980, 29:30, 45:30, -96:00, 23:00, 0, 0." USGS 100-m grid (resampled from 30-m) "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008h" 5671737.0 Topo ELEV_STD_M_BASIN Standard deviation of elevation (meters) across the watershed from 100m National Elevation Dataset WATERSHED Floating point meters N/A Grid "Original source of elevation data were 30-m tiles of USGS NED data assembled by Roland Viger and Curtis Price of the USGS in the early 2000 period. Because of size and processing constraints, those tiles were merged and resampled (bilinear) to 100-m to make a national grid. Parameters are: projection Albers Equal Area, Datum NAD83, Spheroid GRS1980, 29:30, 45:30, -96:00, 23:00, 0, 0." USGS 100-m grid (resampled from 30-m) "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008h" 1002616.2 Topo RRMEAN "Dimensionless elevation - relief ratio, calculated as (ELEV_MEAN - ELEV_MIN)/(ELEV_MAX - ELEV_MIN)." WATERSHED Floating point unitless N/A Grid "Original source of elevation data were 30-m tiles of USGS NED data assembled by Roland Viger and Curtis Price of the USGS in the early 2000 period. Because of size and processing constraints, those tiles were merged and resampled (bilinear) to 100-m to make a national grid. Parameters are: projection Albers Equal Area, Datum NAD83, Spheroid GRS1980, 29:30, 45:30, -96:00, 23:00, 0, 0." USGS 100-m grid (resampled from 30-m) "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008h" 2745.5 Topo RRMEDIAN "Dimensionless elevation - relief ratio, calculated as (ELEV_MEDIAN - ELEV_MIN)/(ELEV_MAX - ELEV_MIN)." WATERSHED Floating point unitless N/A Grid "Original source of elevation data were 30-m tiles of USGS NED data assembled by Roland Viger and Curtis Price of the USGS in the early 2000 period. Because of size and processing constraints, those tiles were merged and resampled (bilinear) to 100-m to make a national grid. Parameters are: projection Albers Equal Area, Datum NAD83, Spheroid GRS1980, 29:30, 45:30, -96:00, 23:00, 0, 0." USGS 100-m grid (resampled from 30-m) "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008h" 2673.4 Topo ELEV_SITE_M Elevation at gage location (meters) from 100m National Elevation Dataset SITE Integer meters N/A Grid "Original source of elevation data were 30-m tiles of USGS NED data assembled by Roland Viger and Curtis Price of the USGS in the early 2000 period. Because of size and processing constraints, those tiles were merged and resampled (bilinear) to 100-m to make a national grid. Parameters are: projection Albers Equal Area, Datum NAD83, Spheroid GRS1980, 29:30, 45:30, -96:00, 23:00, 0, 0." USGS 100-m grid (resampled from 30-m) "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008h" 3730630.0 Topo SLOPE_PCT "Mean watershed slope, percent. Derived from 100m resolution National Elevation Dataset, so slope values may differ from those calculated from data of other resolutions." WATERSHED Floating point percent N/A Grid "Original source of elevation data were 30-m tiles of USGS NED data assembled by Roland Viger and Curtis Price of the USGS in the early 2000 period. Because of size and processing constraints, those tiles were merged and resampled (bilinear) to 100-m to make a national grid. Parameters are: projection Albers Equal Area, Datum NAD83, Spheroid GRS1980, 29:30, 45:30, -96:00, 23:00, 0, 0." USGS 100-m grid (resampled from 30-m) "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008h" 76487.9 Topo ASPECT_DEGREES "Mean watershed aspect, degrees (degrees of the compass, 0-360). Derived from 100m resolution National Elevation Data. 0 and 360 point to north. Because of the national Albers projection actual aspect may vary." WATERSHED Floating point degrees (0-360) N/A Grid "Original source of elevation data were 30-m tiles of USGS NED data assembled by Roland Viger and Curtis Price of the USGS in the early 2000 period. Because of size and processing constraints, those tiles were merged and resampled (bilinear) to 100-m to make a national grid. Parameters are: projection Albers Equal Area, Datum NAD83, Spheroid GRS1980, 29:30, 45:30, -96:00, 23:00, 0, 0." USGS 100-m grid (resampled from 30-m) "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008h" 1188478.1 Topo ASPECT_NORTHNESS "Aspect ""northness"". Ranges from -1 to 1. Value of 1 means watershed is facing/draining due north, value of -1 means watershed is facing/draining due south." WATERSHED Floating point unitless N/A Grid "Original source of elevation data were 30-m tiles of USGS NED data assembled by Roland Viger and Curtis Price of the USGS in the early 2000 period. Because of size and processing constraints, those tiles were merged and resampled (bilinear) to 100-m to make a national grid. Parameters are: projection Albers Equal Area, Datum NAD83, Spheroid GRS1980, 29:30, 45:30, -96:00, 23:00, 0, 0." USGS 100-m grid (resampled from 30-m) "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008h" -1694.7 Topo ASPECT_EASTNESS "Aspect ""eastness"". Ranges from -1 to 1. Value of 1 means watershed is facing/draining due east, value of -1 means watershed is facing/draining due west." WATERSHED Floating point unitless N/A Grid "Original source of elevation data were 30-m tiles of USGS NED data assembled by Roland Viger and Curtis Price of the USGS in the early 2000 period. Because of size and processing constraints, those tiles were merged and resampled (bilinear) to 100-m to make a national grid. Parameters are: projection Albers Equal Area, Datum NAD83, Spheroid GRS1980, 29:30, 45:30, -96:00, 23:00, 0, 0." USGS 100-m grid (resampled from 30-m) "U.S. Geological Survey, 2008h" 587.5